Inghetata de ciocolata (fara ou)

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Vara ne-a lovit in plin cu temperaturi foarte ridicate si un Bucuresti inca usor respirabil. Noi insa ne-am retras la racoarea aerului conditionat, la gustul revigorant al salatelor de vara si la aroma cupelor de inghetata. Pentru ca de curand am inceput sa citesc putin despre inghetata si pentru ca mi-am dorit mult sa nu mai cumparam inghetata de la magazin, am achizitionat de curand o masina de inghetata. Bucurie mare pe capul nostru inca de cand a ajuns! Acum visez retete de inghetata, cupe sofisticate, arome interesante si texturi, culori, cremozitate.

chocolate ice cream

Va propun sa incepem seria de retete de inghetata cu una foarte simpla si la obiect: inghetata de ciocolata din trei ingrediente principale. Fara oua, fara complicatii, fara a fi greu de facut! Pur si simplu o inghetata ciocolatoasa, incredibil de cremoasa si aerata, onctuoasa, aromata, perfecta pentru vara asta mult asteptata!

Inghetata de ciocolata (fara ou)

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Aceasta inghetata de ciocolata fara ou este dulcele perfect de vara! Chiar daca nu are ou, inghetata este super cremoasa si delicioasa!


  • 300 g lapte condensat indulcit
  • 150 g smantana pentru frisca A
  • 200 g ciocolata neagra (50-60% cacao)
  • 200 g smantana pentru frisca B
  • 10 g rom brun


  • Combinati laptele condensat si smantana A intr-un vas si infierbantati.
  • Luati de pe foc si turnati peste ciocolata.
  • Omogenizati apoi acoperiti cu folie si dati la frigider 3-4 ore pana la racirea completa.
  • Incorporati smantana B si romul brun apoi turnati in vasul masinii de inghetata. Congelati conform instructiunilor. Pastrati in congelator.


Puteti sa adaugati in inghetata diverse arome extra: banane caramelizate, sos caramel, fructe de padure, bucati de ciocolata, cristale de menta si lista poate continua!
Smantana A si smantana B sunt acelasi tip de smantana, insa cele doua intra in reteta in pasi diferite, motiv pentru care sunt numerotate diferit.
Keyword Cacao, Ciocolata neagra, Lapte
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Summer hit us hard! 36C in quite the heat, isn’t it?! We went straight to often showers, salads for breakfast, lunch and dinner, tomatoes, cheese, watermelon, plenty of lemonade and a lot of … yes, you guessed it, ice cream! But not the store bought kind! I vowed to myself to make my own ice cream this year. And I took the first step one week ago by buying a proper ice cream machine. Needless to say that my son was the happiest little man in the world! His long waited ice cream machine to make his favorite summer dessert – chocolate ice cream! Now that’s a great way to start the summer! Happy, joyful, ice cream full!

chocolate ice cream

This eggless chocolate ice cream has surprised me. I’ve never liked chocolate ice cream. I would eat chocolate as it is or in cakes or cupcakes or other desserts, but never ice cream. And yet, I found myself scooping out one more serving of this particular one. I didn’t have high hopes from a recipe that has 3 main ingredients and no eggs, but I was wrong as the ice cream proved to be soft, without any ice crystals, incredibly creamy and with a balanced chocolate taste. So the recipe passed the test from this super picky ice cream girl!

chocolate ice cream

Eggless Chocolate Ice Cream

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
This eggless chocolate ice cream is everything you need for this season! So creamy and delicious, perfect for your summery sweet tooth!


  • 300 g sweetened condensed milk
  • 150 g heavy cream A
  • 200 g dark chocolate (50-60% cocoa)
  • 200 g heavy cream B
  • 10 g dark rhum


  • Combine the sweetened condensed milk with the heavy cream A and heat it up until hot.
  • Remove from heat and pour over the dark chocolate.
  • Mix until smooth. Use a blender for this step to better emulsify the mix.
  • Place in the frigde for 3-4 hours or until chilled.
  • Remove from the fridge and stir in the heavy cream B and rhum.
  • Pour into your ice cream machine and churn according to your manufacturer’s user manual. Mine took 60 minutes of churning.
  • Scoop into a casserole and place in the freezer to store.


You can easily customize the recipe by adding a wide range of extras to it: caramelized bananas, walnuts, peanuts, chocolate drops, berries etc. Or you can serve it with your favorite sauce: chocolate, berries, caramel, vanilla and the list can go on!
Keyword Chocolate, Cocoa powder, Milk
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
chocolate ice cream
chocolate ice cream

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