Entremet cu ciocolata alba si fructul pasiunii
De cand pun eu la cale un tort cu mousse de iaurt… si intr-un final i-a venit timpul! Si pentru ca am gasit de curand fructul pasiunii in Lidl, am cumparat doua cutiute cu gandul sa-l gust. Prima mea reactie nu a fost una prea placuta. Sa fim sinceri, pulpa fructului nu arata tocmai apetisant. Initial chiar si mirosul mi se parea ca aduce a aspirina, dar am hotarat sa-i mai dau o sansa intr-un desert si m-a impresionat rezultatul final. Se „pupa” de minune cu ciocolata alba, iaurtul si crusta de muesli si delcar acest desert unul dintre cele mai reusite facute vreodata, cu adevarat o idee de pus la catastif.
Crusta usor crocanta, mousse-ul aerat, ganache-ul cremos si compotul siropos creeaza din acest entremet cu ciocolata alba si fructul pasiunii un desert elegant, sofisticat, cu o aroma delicata de ciocolata alba si ceva care la inceput va fi greu de identificat. Mousse-ul e aerat, cremos, usor acrisor, se simte iaurtul, dar ciocolata alba e cea care predomina. Ganache-ul e perfect, nici prea dulce, nici prea acru iar aroma lui delicata de fructul pasiunii se completeaza perfect cu urmatorul strat – compotul de portocala si fructul pasiunii – care, desi usor acrisor, nu ia controlul desertului, ci il completeaza, desavarsindu-i gustul extraordinar.
Decorul e la latitudinea fiecaruia. Eu am ales ciocolata alba, portocala confiata si un tuile de nuca de cocos, car pe langa decor aduce si un plus de textura, insa voi va puteti juca cu alte elemente daca doriti. Si daca va hotarati sa faceti acest desert nu ezitati sa imi trimiteti fotografii, tare as vrea sa vad reusitele voastre. 🙂
Entremet cu fructul pasiunii si ciocolata alba
Crusta de muesli:
- 140 g biscuiti cu vanilie (sau obisnuiti)
- 30 g alune de padure macinate
- 20 g fulgi de ovaz macinati
- 30 g nuca de cocos
- 30 g stafide (tocate marunt)
- 90 g unt topit
Mousse de ciocolata alba si iaurt:
- 250 g iaurt gras
- 250 g ciocolata alba (topita)
- 350 g frisca lichida
- 20 g zahar pudra
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 6 g gelatina
- 36 g apa rece
Ganache de ciocolata alba si fructul pasiunii:
- 90 g frisca lichida
- 45 g suc de fructul pasiunii
- 150 g ciocolata alba (tocata)
- 20 g unt
Compote de portocala si fructul pasiunii:
- 2 fructul pasiunii
- 2 portocale (feliate, fara pielita)
- 100 g suc de portocale proaspat
- 30 g zahar
Tuile de nuca de cocos:
- 25 g unt moale
- 30 g zahar
- 50 g sirop auriu (miere sau energizant ori glucoza)
- 25 g nuca de cocos
Portocale confiate:
- 1 portocala mica (taiata felii subtiri)
- 1/2 cana zahar
- 1/2 cana apa
Decoratiuni din ciocolata alba:
- 200 g ciocolata alba (topita)
Crust de muesli:
- Asezati formele de torturi (6-8 sau un tort de 18cmØ) pe o tava de copt tapetata cu hartie de copt.
- Combinati toate ingredientele in bolul robotului de bucatarie si mixati pana sunt bine omogenizate.
- Transferati compozitia in formele pregatite in mod egal si presati foarte bine compozitia pana devine compacta. Ideea e ca doar fiind bine presate, crustele isi vor pastra forma.
- Coaceti crustele la 180°C pentru 10 minute doar pana devin usor aurii.
- Scoateti din cuptor si lasati sa se raceasca complet apoi scoateti cu grija crustele din forma si tapetati formele de otel cu foaie de acetat. Asezati cu grija crustele din nou in forma si dati deoparte.
Mousse de ciocolata alba si iaurt:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece pentru 10 minute.
- Mixati frisca cu zaharul pudra si vanilia pana sta teapana, dar nu bat. Puneti frisca la rece pana e gata restul compozitie.
- Amestecati iaurtul cu ciocolata topita intr-un bol.
- Topiti gelatina cateva secunde si adaugati-o in compozitia de ciocolata si iaurt. Lasati compozitia sa vina la temperatura camerei daca e nevoie.
- Incorporati usor frisca spumata apoi distribuiti in mod egal mousse-ul intre formele pregatite.
- Dati la rece pana pregatiti urmatorul element.
Ganache de ciocolata alba si fructul pasiunii:
- Combinati frisca si sucul de fructul pasiunii intr-un vas si aduceti la punctul pe fierbere pe foc mic, fara a lasa compozitia sa dea in clocot.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata. Lasati sa se odihneasca 5 minute apoi amestecati bine pana obtineti un ganache fin.
- Adaugati untul si amestecati pana la omogenizarea.
- Distribuiti ganache-ul in mod egal deasupra mousse-ul de iaurt si dati la rece cel putin2 ore.
Compote de portocale si fructul pasiunii:
- Treceti fructul pasiunii printr-o sita pentru a inlatura semintele, insa nu aruncati semintele.
- Combinati sucul de fructul pasiunii cu sucul de portocala si zaharul intr-un vas si puneti pe foc mic. Fierbeti pana se reduce la jumatate.
- Adaugati feliile de portocale si dati in clocot apoi luati de pe foc si adaugati 1 lingurita de seminte de fructul pasiunii pentru decor. Daca nu vrei seminte in compot, nu le mai adaugati.
- Lasati sa se raceasca complet inainte de a-l servi.
Tuile de nuca de cocos:
- Tuile e un fel de fursec foarte crocant care se face chiar inainte de servire deoarece e foarte sensibil la umezeala si isi pierde textura in timp.
- Combinati untul, zaharul si siropul intr-un bol si mixati bine.
- Adaugati nuca de cocos si dati compozitia la congelator 30 minute.
- Formati bilute mici si asezati-le pe o tava de copt tapetata cu hartie de copt. Lasati suficient spatiu intre ele caci se intind foarte mult.
- Coaceti la 190C 5-10 minute sau pana devin aurii. Cel mai bine e sa stati cu ochii pe ele caci linia dintre copt si ars e foarte fina.
- Scoateti-le din cuptor si folositi-le doar dupa ce s-au racit caci cand cunt calde nu au niciun fel de forma, insa pe masura ce se racesc se intaresc si devin crocante.
Portocale confiate:
- Combinati apa si zaharul intr-un vas si fierbeti pe foc mediu pana zaharul se topeste.
- Adaugati feliile de portocala si fierbeti 10 minute pana siropul incepe sa se ingroase.
- Luati de pe foc si lasati sa se raceasca apoi transferati feliile de portocala intr-o tava de copt tapetata cu hartie de copt.
- Coaceti la 180C pana siropul de zahar incepe sa se caramelizeze.
- Lasati sa se raceasca complet.
Decoratiuni din ciocolata alba:
- Pentru decoratiuni din ciocolata de obicei folosesc o metoda foarte simpla de temperare a ciocolatei numita seeding. Topiti 2/3 din ciocolata alba intr-un vas rezistent la caldura. Restul de ciocolata tocati-o foarte marunt.
- Luati ciocolata topita de pe sursa de caldura si adaugati ciocolata tocata, treptat, amestecand pana la incorporarea completa.
- Folositi aceasta ciocolata pentru a crea decoruri. Nu e o temperare perfecta, dar e mai bine decat daca nu temperati deloc.
- Pentru a crea acel decor de jur imprejurul tortuletului, am intins un start subtire pe o folie de acetat, am taiat un triunghi si am infasurat in jurul unei forme de otel rotunde, aceeasi ca cea in care am montat tortul.
- Pentru a monta tortul, infasurati-l in ciocolata alba, adaugati o bucata de tuile de nuca de cocos si o lingura de compote, apoi decorati cu o felie de portocala confiata.
I’ve been planning these beautiful cakes for a week now, adding new ideas day by day. It seems that lately I find the night to be the moment when I’m most inspired and I often get out of bed just to write down an idea so I won’t forget in the morning. That is what happened with the muesli base and the coconut tuile. If you’d see the papers I’m taking notes on, it would scare you. They’re full of annotations, changes, drawings, scribbling, but for some reason I find them to be beautiful and they make so much sense to me. I often keep the original papers too, even though I re-write the recipe on a special notebook I made for my favorite recipes or on my blog. It’s just feels wrong to throw them away, they are part of the process through I create cakes and keeping them means that I can always can go back and make additional changes if I want to.
![passion fruit cake passion fruit cake](http://pastry-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/passion-fruit-cake-1-3light-1024x790.jpg)
These exquisite white chocolate passion cakes are refreshing and somehow in contrast with the Christmas cookies and gingerbread I’ve been baking lately. But that’s the weird thing about my tastebuds – after a bunch of rich, intense flavors I feel the need of having something refreshing, exquisite, creamy, airy and that’s when I know it’s time for one of my cakes. Just imagine the crunchy, fragrant crust, the airy, tangy mousse and tha fragrant white chocolate and passion fruit ganache, all topped with the most delicious compote I ever had, dripping off the edges of the cake, infusing both the mousse and the crust. The white chocolate decoration is something I’ve always dreamt of making and I finally found the time and determination to do so. And the coconut tuile is there not only for design, but also for a delicate crunch and extra coconut flavor.
These cakes consist of the following layers: (bottom to top)
- Muesli crust
- White chocolate yogurt mousse
- Passion fruit ganache
- Passion fruit orange compote
- White chocolate decorations
- Coconut tuile
I created the crust from scratch using regular vanilla biscuits, oats, raisins, coconut and hazelnuts, but you can also use graham crackers or your favorite biscuits. The white chocolate mousse truly surprised me and I’ll be making it again for sure – it’s incredibly airy, slightly tangy and so so creamy and exquisite. You can feel the yogurt slightly, but it’s the white chocolate that stands out. The mousse and the following layer – white chocolate passion fruit ganache – are a match made in heaven. The passion fruit taste is delicate and it gives the ganache a certain flavor that you will adore, but struggle to identify. The compote, which is not compulsory, but definitely recommended, boosts slightly the passion fruit aroma, but it’s not overpowering the cake at all – instead, it blends into the flavors of the cake and it lingers on the palate, adding a tangy, fragrant kick to each and every bite of cake.
The quantities below are enough for 6-8 small cakes or a 18cm diameter cake.
White chocolate passion fruit petit gateaux
Muesli crust:
- 140 g vanilla biscuits
- 30 g ground hazelnuts
- 20 g ground oats
- 30 g shredded coconut
- 30 g raisins (finely chopped)
- 90 g butter (melted)
White chocolate yogurt mousse:
- 250 g full fat yogurt
- 250 g white chocolate (melted)
- 350 g heavy cream
- 20 g icing sugar
- 5 g vanilla extract
- 6 g gelatin
- 36 g cold water
White chocolate passion fruit ganache:
- 90 g heavy cream
- 45 g passion fruit juice (strained)
- 150 g white chocolate (chopped)
- 20 g butter
Orange passion fruit compote:
- 2 passion fruits
- 2 oranges (cut into segments)
- 100 g fresh orange juice (strained)
- 30 g sugar
Coconut tuile:
- 25 g butter (softened)
- 30 g sugar
- 50 g golden syrup (or honey)
- 25 g shredded coconut
Candied orange:
- 1 small orange (cut into fine slices)
- ½ cup sugar
- ½ cup water
White chocolate decorations:
- 200 g white chocolate (chopped)
Muesli crust:
- Place your mini-cake round molds on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. I bought my molds from Lidl, they come in round, heart and square shapes and are made of steel so great quality for the money and incredibly versatile and sturdy.
- Combine all the ingredients in a food processor and pulse until well mixed.
- Spoon 2-3 tablespoons of crust mixture into each mold and press it well. Use a pestle for this task as they need to be well pressed.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 180°C for 10 minutes or until slightly golden brown.
- Remove from the oven and let the crusts cool completely.
- Carefully remove the crusts from the molds and line the molds with acetate foil or even baking paper. Place the crusts back into the molds and place aside.
White chocolate yogurt mousse:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes. Melt it for a few seconds in the microwave or on a hot water bath just before use.
- Whip the heavy cream with the powdered sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form. Place in the fridge until needed.
- Mix the melted chocolate with the yogurt until smooth then stir in the melted gelatin.
- Fold in the whipped cream then pour the mousse into the prepared molds, over the baked and chilled crusts.
- Refrigerate until you finish making the ganache.
White chocolate passion fruit ganache:
- Combine the heavy cream and passion fruit juice in a saucepan and bring them to the boiling point over low heat.
- Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate.
- Let the ganache rest for 5 minutes then mix well with a whisk until smooth.
- Stir in butter then allow the ganache to come to room temperature.
- Pour a thin layer of ganache over the cakes and refrigerate at least 2 hours until set.
Orange passion fruit compote:
- Pass the passion fruit pulp through a fine sieve to remove the seeds. Place the seeds aside.
- Mix the passion fruit juice with the orange juice and sugar in a saucepan and cook over low heat until it’s slightly reduced.
- Add the orange segments and cook just 2 more minutes.
- Remove from heat and stir in 1 teapsoon of seeds for design. You can skip this step if you don’t like the look of passion fruit seeds.
- Let the compote cool completely before serving.
Coconut tuile:
- Combine the butter, sugar and golden syrup in a bowl and mix well.
- Stir in the coconut and freeze the mixture for 30 minutes.
- Line a baking sheet with parchment paper then form small balls of the coconut mixture.
- Place the balls on your prepared baking tray and bake in the preheated oven at 190C for 5-10 minutes or until the tuiles are spread in the pan and look slightly golden brown.
- Remove them from the oven and let them cool completely.
- They will be incredibly soft hot, you might think something went wrong, but let them cool down and you’ll see how they turn into a crisp, delicious tuile.
- Keep in mind that the given quantities yield more tuiles than you actually need so feel free to reduce the quantities.
White chocolate decorations:
- Melt ⅔ of the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a hot water bath.
- In the meantime, chop the remaining chocolate very finely.
- Remove the melted chocolate from the water bath and stir in the remaining chopped chocolate, mixing well until smooth. This is a very basic type of tempering chocolate and although it doesn’t compare to proper tempering in terms of shine and snap, it’s still better than no tempering at all.
- Spread a fine layer of chocolate on an acetate sheet and refrigerate it 30 seconds at a time until it begins to set. Cut into a triangle shape and wrap around one of those steel cake molds I mentioned earlier.
- Refrigerate until properly set.
Candied orange:
- Combine the sugar and water in a saucepan and bring to a boil. Add the orange slices and cook them 10 minutes on low heat.
- Remove from heat and let the slices cool in syrup then drain them well and place them on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.
- Cook in the preheated oven at 180C for 10 minutes or until the sugar begins to slightly caramelize. You’ll need to keep a close eye on them as they burn easily.
- Remove them from the oven and let them cool completely in order to set.
Assembling the cakes:
- To assemble the cakes, decorate with white chocolate, top with pieces of coconut tuile and a spoonful of orange passion fruit compote. Place a candied orange slice on one side for decor and serve the cakes chilled.
![passion fruit cake entremet cu ciocolata alba si fructul pasiunii](http://pastry-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/passion-fruit-cake-1-9light-1024x678.jpg)
![passion fruit cake entremet cu ciocolata alba si fructul pasiunii](http://pastry-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/12/passion-fruit-cake-1-4blight-750x1024.jpg)
You are one talented lady, Oana! I just love your blog. All your entremets are beautiful.
I love making them too – we are both Pastry School graduates!!!
I’ll be bookmarking your site now – love it.
Thank you for your words!
Ah look at that, pastry brings people together in such a nice way.
LOVE everything about this dessert! Your blog and creations are deliciously stunning! btw – Thanks so much for popping by and leaving such sweet notes. xx
Thank you, Jacquee! Welcome to my blog 🙂
So.pretty!!! For the tuile do you use unsweetened.coconut and do you know what temp farenheit to.bake them.at?
Thank you, Alexandra. I used unsweetened. As for temperature, 350F would be enough.
eu sunt curioasa cand se scot foile de acetat din jurul prajiturilor…sau se aduc la masa direct in acetat; partea asta n-am inteles-o prea bine, adevarul e ca n-am folosit niciodata asa ceva.
Eu le scot inainte de a le servi caci fara foile de acetat marginile s-ar usca sau oxida. De aceea, in multe cofetarii ele sunt puse la vanzare cu tot cu folia de acetat.
Arata foarte bine si sunt convinsa ca e delicios. Am si eu o intrebare: unde gasesc foi de acetat?Multumesc anticipat!
Folie de acetat gasesti pe Cofetarul Istet, magazin online, daca nu ma insel.
Good morning Olguta!
That is one stunning plated dessert cant wait to try and make it. Your so talented thanks for sharing. Can you let me know what can be done ahead of time? Would love to make this in class for my plated dessert practical and our Chef giving us a 2 day window to prepare and present. Thank you once again.
Hello, Maritza. You can make the base and the compote ahead, but the rest should be done when you assemble the dessert, especially the tuile which is very fragile and humidity sensitive. Good luck with your exam, let me know how it goes.
Thank you for your prompt reply, I appreciate it. I will take pic and post for you to see my result. Excitted, once again thanks for sharing.
woohooo super excited I passed my practical with 100%, everyone loved the Entremet. Thank you so much for sharing I truly appreciate.
Congrats, Maritza, well done! I’m glad I could help 🙂
Thank you!
Minunat, ca de obicei! Eu nu prea stiu care este fructul pasiunii. Spui ca l-ai cumparat de la Lidl, in cutiute. Sa fie acele physalis? Parca astea sunt ambalate in cutiute. Merci! Si inca o data, felicitari!
Luminita, passion fruit nu e acelasi lucru cu physalis. Nu aduc des fructul pasiunii la Lidl. Se mai gaseste si in alte supermarketuri, dar nu e tot timpul. Vezi pe google exact cum arata si sigur o sa-ti sara in ochi data viitoare cand il vezi. 😀
Buna ,as dori sa stiu daca gelatina este foi sau granule?multumesc
Gelatina granule.
Hi! I have a question. Did the molds come with the bottom that you can remove when needed and the locking mechanism on the side to loosen the mold or how else did you get the dessert out? Also would the chocolate decoration peel off easily off of parchment paper after letting it set?
If you use silicone moulds, they will come out easily once frozen. If you use metallic rings, I recommend using acetate sheets as well inside the rings to make sure they are easier to remove from the rings later on.
Buna, Olguta!
Multumim pentru reteta! Am incercat mousse-ul cu iaurt si este excelent, echilibru perfect intre dulce si acrisor, cu o textura fina.
O singura problema am intampinat – dupa ce scot mousse ul de la congelator la frigider, ies broboane de apa cand se decongeleaza. E normal? Cu cat timp inainte ar trebui scos de la congelator? (Eu l am facut intr o forma cu diametrul de 20 cm.)
Multumesc! keep up the good work! <3
Buna, Ioana,
Ma bucur ca ti-a placut.
Mousse-urile cu lactate de genul iaurt sau crema de branza au tendinta sa „lacrimeze” dupa decongelare ca urmare a distrugerii lactatelor mentionate prin congelare. Poti incerca sa minimizezi acest proces adaugand putina miere in reteta, dar chiar si asa vei observa picaturi dupa decongelare.