Tort cu ciocolata si vin rosu
Ciocolata si vinul rosu mi se par a fi o combinatie fascinanta, cu toate ca parerile sunt impartite cand vine vorba daca cele doua ingrediente chiar merg bine impreuna. Ambele sunt arome puternice si se „lupta” pentru intaietate, asa ca a le combina si balansa nu e o treaba usoara. Ca regula generala, somelierii recomanda vinul rosu dulce ca fiind cea mai buna pereche pentru ciocolata neagra, insa chiar si asa, nu e combinatie pentru oricine si daca nu-ti plac cele doua ingrediente separat, nu-ti vor placea nici impreuna. Eu una, le ador impreuna cu toate ca nu sunt o mare bautoare de vin rosu. O sticla de vin mi-ar ajunge probabil pentru un an intreg, atat de des beau, dar combinatia asta mi se pare atat de romantica, parca sfidatoare in sensul cel mai bun al cuvantului.
E un tort cu un caracter puternic, un gust intens de ciocolata si o aroma subtila de vin. Alcolul nu se evapora complet in timpul coptului, contrar parerilor generale, asa ca nu e un tort pe care sa-l recomand copiilor. Insa daca inlocuiti vinul cu apa, poate deveni un desert pe care copiii sa-l adore.. asta daca oferiti copiilor cand si cand un desert atat de ciocolatos.
Tort cu ciocolata si vin rosu
- 250 g faina alba 000
- 300 g zahar alb granulat
- 75 g cacao neagra (Dutch processed – cacao neagra, procesata, nu cea deschisa la culoare, naturala)
- 4 g praf de copt
- 4 g bicarbonat de sodiu
- 2 g lingurita sare
- 2 oua
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 250 g lapte batut *
- 125 g ulei vegetal neutru
- 250 g vin rosu dulce **
- 100 g ciocolata neagra (bucati (60%+ continut de cacao))
- 300 g frisca lichida
- 250 g ciocolata neagra (bucati)
- 100 g ciocolata cu lapte (bucati ***)
- 30 g unt
- 1 g lingurita sare
- 2 linguri extract de vanilie
Decor de ciocolata:
- 50 g ciocolata neagra (bucati)
- Preincalziti cuptorul la 180C si tapetati 2 tavi rotunde de 18cm diametru cu hartie de copt. Daca folositi tavi mai mari, s-ar putea sa nu mai obtineti 4 straturi de blat, ci 2.
- Turnati vinul intr-un vas si dati in clocot. Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata neagra, bucati. Amestecati pana ciocolata e topita si dati deoparte.
- Combinati faina, cacoa, sarea, zaharul, praful de copt si bicarbonatul intr-un bol.
- In alt bol, amestecati ouale, vanilia, uleiul si laptele batut, precum si amestecul de vin rosu si ciocolata.
- Turnati lichidele peste ingredientele uscate si amestecati cu un tel doar pana la incorporare, nu mai mult.
- Turnati aluatul in cele doua tavi pregatite si coaceti pentru 35-40 minute sau pana blatul isi revine la forma initiala daca il atingeti. Testul scobitorii nu prea functioneaza pentru ca e un blat destul de umed.
- Scoateti tavile din cuptor si lasati blatul sa se raceasca in tava.
- Taiati fiecare blat in jumatate.
- Aduceti frisca la punctul de fierbere intr-un vas.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata, untul si ciocolata.
- Lasati 5 minute apoi amestecati bine cu un tel pana ciocolata e topita complet si amestecul e cremos si fin.
- Adaugati vanilia apoi acoperiti ganache-ul cu o folie si dati la rece cel putin 2 ore.
- Pentru a asambla tortul, asezati unul dintre blaturi pe un platou. Acoperiti cu 1/4 din ganache si continuati cu celelate blaturi si ganache.
Decor de ciocolata:
- Topiti ciocolata pe baie de aburi sau in microunde apoi intindeti-o in strat foarte subtire pe o foaie de copt.
- Rulati foaia de copt strans si puneti ruloul in congelator pentru 10 minute.
- Scoateti din congelator si desfaceti folia. Ciocolata intarita se va rupe in bucati delicate pe care pur si simplu le asezati deasupra tortului inainte de servire.
Chocolate and red wine is a combination that always tingles my taste buds. The dark, bittersweet chocolate and the ruby red wine make up the perfect picture in my mind. It’s a romantic combination, something I imagine having with my loved one on a special day or romantic dinner – although this combination is not for everyone. I happen to know people who would never put these two together and I know that even sommeliers have different opinions on this. But they do agree on one thing – whenever you are looking to pair the two of them, match sweetness with sweetness. That being said, a sweeter wine pairs better with chocolate and the two tastes will engage into a powerful taste on your palate, both looking to draw your attention. If you ever had red wine and chocolate, you know what I’m talking about – that intense flavor of wine and chocolate, lingering on your palate, tingling your taste buds. The better the wine and the chocolate used for this red wine chocolate cake, the better the result. I used a sweet red wine, a no name brand which I quite like drinking once in a while and a dark chocolate of 60+% cocoa content for the sponge. A mix of dark chocolate and milk chocolate was used for the frosting because I thought a bit more sweetness was needed to balance the final taste.
Red Wine Chocolate Cake
Red wine sponge cake:
- 250 g all-purpose flour
- 300 g sugar
- 75 g Dutch processed cocoa powder
- 4 g baking soda
- 4 g baking powder
- 2 g salt
- 2 eggs
- 5 g vanilla extract
- 250 g buttermilk*
- 125 g neutral vegetable oil
- 250 g sweet red wine**
- 100 g dark chocolate (chopped)
Ganache frosting:
- 300 g heavy cream
- 250 g dark chocolate (chopped)
- 100 g milk chocolate (chopped)
- 30 g butter
- 1 g salt
- 10 g vanilla extract
Chocolate decorations:
- 50 g dark chocolate (chopped)
Red wine sponge cake:
- Preheat your oven to 180℃ and line two round cake pans – 18cm Ø – with baking paper. Place aside until needed.
- Bring the red wine to a boil in a saucepan then remove from heat and stir in the chopped chocolate. Mix until melted and let the mixture cool down slightly.
- Mix the flour, sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, baking powder and salt in a bowl.
- In a different bowl, combine the eggs, buttermilk, vanilla and oil and mix well. Stir in the wine and chocolate mixture.
- Pour the wet ingredients over the dry ones and give it a quick mix, just until the flour is incorporated. Don’t over mix or it will form tunnels while baking. A quick mix with a whisk is enough, the batter is not supposed to be smooth as a butter-based one, but not lumpy either. If using an electric mixer, set it on the lowest speed and don’t mix too much.
- Evenly divide the batter between the two pans and bake in the oven to 35 minutes or until well risen and the top springs back when touched. The toothpick test may not be the best in this case as the cake is slightly fudgy.
- Remove the pans from the oven and let them cool completely.
- When chilled, cut the cakes in half to obtain 4 layers.
Ganache frosting:
- Bring the cream to the boiling point in a saucepan.
- Remove from heat and add the chocolate and butter. Let it stand for 5 minutes then mix until melted and smooth.
- Stir in the salt and vanilla then cover the ganache with plastic wrap on the surface and place the bowl in the fridge until set, at least 2 hours.
- Divide the ganache into four equal parts.
- Layer the cakes and ganache on a platter and place the cake in the fridge until serving.
Chocolate decorations:
- Melt the chocolate in the microwave or over a hot water bath.
- Very thinly spread the chocolate over a sheet of baking paper. Roll the paper to form a tube and place in the freezer for 10 minutes to set.
- Remove the roll from the freezer and unwrap it. The set chocolate will break into these delicate, thin shards.
- Pile them on top of the cake just before serving.
** Replace the wine with water or freshly brewed coffee for a non-alcoholic version of this cake.
If you use coffee instead of wine, add 1 teaspoon instant coffee powder into the ganache.
Arata super! Faci niste torturi de vis 🙂
Multumesc mult!
Arata f bine .. si mie imi place sa folosesc combinatia de ciocolata cu vin rosu.. chiar mi-ai facut pofta acuma 🙂
Tocmai am mancat ultima felie de tort.. a fost atat de bun ca probabil o sa-l refac curand, pofta e mare, tortul a fost mic 😀 . Multumesc 🙂
I must hide this recipe from my husband. He loves wine and he loves cake and I fear that if he sees this he will be asking for it daily. It looks amazing and i love the idea of chocolate cake with a healthy dose of read wine. Scrumptous!
Thank you! Well, I’m going to make it again soon, that it was. Can’t go wrong with chocolate and red wine!
OMG, girl! What are those pictures? Perfection! Can you come give me some lessons? Lol I would love to take pics with a black background but haven’t started trying it yet. Also, this cake… oMG, this cake! I won’t rest until I make it and try it because it looks so so so good.
Thank you, Olivia! I actually find taking pictures on a black, dark background easier. Do give this cake a try, it’s amazing!
Just looking at this scrummy cake and all the lovely ingredients that have gone into it is making my stomach rumble!!!! Pinning
! <3
Thank you, Samina!
This red wine chocolate cake looks SO decadent and delicious. Wish I had a slice now. Just divine!
Thank you, Thalia!
There is magic when the recipe, the finished cake and the photography are perfectly harmonious. The result is velvet luxury. I love what you’ve done here. Beautiful. Come visit me at and see what I’m up to. Thanks and best wishes.
Thank you, Kimberlie!
What a glorious cake! Red wine + chocolate is an awesome combo 🙂
Thank you, June!
Oh man that cake looks absolutely amazing! And chocolate and red wine, jeez it just looks SO delicious! And that chocolate filling oozing out looks so decadent and tasty!! Pinned 🙂
Thank you, Christina!
You always have the most mouth-watering cakes! I love that shot of the pouring wine, too–so gorgeous.
Arata minunat!
Spune-mi, te rog, se poate coace blatul intr-o singura transa, folosind o forma putin mai mare de 18cm (stiu ca in acest fel voi obtine doar trei staturi, dar este ok)?
Irina, eu am copt 2 blaturi in 2 tavi de 18cm. Si iti ies 4 straturi. Sa coci doar un blat e prea mult pentru o tava de 18cm. Poate doar sa folosesti o tava de 22-24cm si sa coci blatul intr-o singura tava, apoi sa-l tai. Dar daca coci tot in aceeasi tava, sa ai grija la timpul de coacere, in mod cert trebuie copt mai mult timp sa fii sigura ca nu e crud la mijloc.
Thank you, Elizabeth! It means a lot coming from a master of desserts like you.
Do you have a suggestion for the red wine I could use? I don’t drink reds often enough to know which one is considered ‘sweet’ and which one is not.
Marie, I don’t drink reds that often either, but Google recommends Red Moscato, Port, Chianti, Merlot. It’s fine as long as it’s red and sweet.
Frumos, elegant, savuros. Felicitari!
In ingredientele de blat apar cacao si ulei, dar in rețeta de blat nu sunt incluse. Îmi spui unde trebuie folosite?
Am văzut in varianta in engleză!
Am corectat si in reteta in limba romana, multumesc pentru atentionare 🙂
Tocmai l-am facut si am gustat o bucatica… e incredibil! Eu iubesc vinul asa ca am fost incantata sa vad asa o combinatie! Am folosit vin rosu sec, l-am avut la indemana, si a iesit spectaculos!
Ce ma bucur ca ti-a iesit! Si noua ne-a placut mult 🙂
Blatul mi-a iesit un esec total, moale si faramicios, nu pot taia blatul in 2 🙁
Am respect reteta,nu inteleg ce s-a intamplat…
Sunt convinsa ca ceva nu ati facut cum trebuie intrucat eu fac acest blat de ani de zile, inclusiv la cursuri, si tot timpul iese perfect! Poate puteti sa-mi explicati ce ati facut pas cu pas si ce ingrediente ati folosit ca sa gasim problema.
Totusi, e un blat foarte umed, delicat, fragil.
Hey ! De când am văzut acest tort numai la el îmi e gândul :)) Vreau doar să te întreb crezi că aș putea înlocui cu zahăr brun melasa (ăla umed și închis la culoare) ar afecta cu ceva? și dacă aș putea reduce din cantitate :/ Felicitări, cred că-i MEGA BUN !!!
Hey !! Se poate folosi stevia sau zahăr brun melasa în locul celui alb? Felicitări, cred că e MEGA bun, aștept răspuns. Mulțumim de share 🙂
Buna! Poti inlocui cu stevia, dar rezultatul inal nu va avea aceeasi textura precum originalul. Mai degraba as zice ca zaharul brun se va apropia mai bine de textura originala.