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Tort cu ciocolata – Gateau au Chocolat

Mergi direct la reteta Prajitura cu ciocolata - Cyril Lignac

Sunt in continua cautare de retete interesante, usor iesite din comun, usor de facut si cu rezultate delicioase. Nu am timp mereu pentru torturi stratificate si cateodata nici dispozitia necesara. Si atunci ma intorc spre prajituri simple, precum aceasta reteta de Tort cu ciocolata a lui Cyril Lignac, care cu doar cateva ingrediente reuseste sa obtina o prajitura ciocolatoasa, delicioasa!

Cyril Lignac e un cunoscut chef francez, proprietar al mai multor restaurante si cofetarii frantuzesti, detinator al unei stele Michelin. E recunoscut nu doar pentru restaurantele sale, ci si pentru emisiunile TV pe care le prezinta, precum si pentru cele peste 40 de carti de bucate pe care le-a scris sau ajutat a scrie pana in prezent. Aceste informatii au fost un fel de asigurare ca reteta de mai jos va da rezultatele scontate si impulsul de care mai era nevoie pentru a o incerca. Este un chef care merita urmarit, cu siguranta!

Prajitura cu ciocolata – Cyril Lignac

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Aceasta prajitura cu ciocolata a lui Cyril Lignac este epitomul deserturilor usoare, dar cu satisfactie maxima. Faptul ca foloseste mascarpone ca baza o face super delicioasa, umeda, intensa.
Prep Time 35 minutes
Cook Time 35 minutes
Dimensiuni: 20 x 20cm rectangle



  • 200 g ciocolata neagra 54% (topita si racita)
  • 250 g mascarpone (temperatura camerei)
  • 4 oua (temperatura camerei)
  • 75 g zahar pudra
  • 40 g faina alba 000 (cernuta)
  • 2 g sare


  • 80 g ciocolata neagra
  • 80 g smantana pentru frisca
Makes: 20 x 20cm rectangle



  • Mixati mascarpone pana devine cremos, cateva minute.
  • Adaugati ciocolata topita si mixati 1-2 minute.
  • Incorporati ouale, unul cate unul, mixand bine dupa fiecare.
  • Adaugati zaharul pudra si mixati bine.
  • Incorporati faina si sarea, apoi turnati aluatul intr-o tava patrata de 20x20cm.
  • Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru 20 minute.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca apoi transferati pe un platou.


  • Incalziti smantana intr-un vas , apoi turnati-o peste ciocolata.
  • Lasati cateva minute deoparte apoi amestecati bine cu o lingura sau spatula pana devine cremoasa si lucioasa.
  • Turnati glazura peste prajitura si nivelati bine.
  • Dati la rece aproximativ o ora inainte de a taia in cuburi mici.
  • Serviti cu inghetata, smantana bine batuta si fructe.
Keyword Ciocolata neagra, Ganache de ciocolata neagra, Mascarpone
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
Tort cu ciocolata


I’m not always up for exquisite, complex, layered entremets, although I do love a challenge. But my sweet tooth is restless and I’m always looking for recipes that are interesting and defy the techniques I already know. And this is exactly what happened with this cake. I knew from the very first glance on the recipe that I was going to make it. Just the fact that it used mascarpone cheese as a base instead of butter was reason enough to bake it – I love the Italian cheese and I really pictured this cake delicate and delicious due to the addition of mascarpone. And to be fair, it didn’t disappoint me!

This gateau au chocolat is made after a recipe of Cyril Lignac, who is, for those of you who may not know him, the owner and chef of the gourmet restaurant Le Quinzieme (1 Michelin star) and the pastry shop La Patisserie Cyril Lignac, amongst other locations in Paris, together with Cuisine Attitude, his own cooking and pastry school. He is also a TV presenter for culinary programs and writer for over 40 cook books. He is quite a name in the industry, isn’t he?! His desserts always look stunning and his recipes are impressive.

Gateau au Chocolat – Cyril Lignac

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
This gateau au chocolat de Cyril Lignac is the epithome of easy desserts, but with maximum satisfaction!
Prep Time 35 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Dimensiuni: 20 x 20cm rectangle



  • 200 g dark chocolate (melted and chilled)
  • 250 g mascarpone cheese (room temperature)
  • 4 eggs (room temperature)
  • 75 g powdered sugar (sifted)
  • 40 g all-purpose white flour
  • 2 g salt


  • 80 g dark chocolate
  • 80 g heavy cream
Makes: 20 x 20cm rectangle



  • Mix the mascarpone cheese for a few minutes until creamy and smooth.
  • Add the dark chocolate and mix well then stir in the eggs, one by one.
  • Stir in the sugar and mix well then fold in the flour and salt.
  • Spoon the batter into a 20x20cm square pan.
  • Level the batter and bake in the preheated oven at 350°F – 180°C for about 20 minutes until well risen and set.
  • Allow to cool completely then transfer on a platter.


  • Bring the cream to a boil in a saucepan.
  • Pour the cream over the chocolate then let it set for a few minutes.
  • Mix well until smooth and shiny.
  • Pour the glaze over the cake and level it well.
  • Place the cake in the fridge for at least 1 hour before cutting into small cubes.
  • Serve with ice cream, whipped cream or fresh fruits.
Keyword Dark chocolate, Mascarpone
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
Tort cu ciocolata si mascarpone
chocolate mascarpone cake

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