Gogosi glazurate
Am observat un trend cu aceste gogosi glazurate pe blogurile straine si m-a atras enorm – lucru deloc greu luand in considerare faptul ca sunt atat de colorate si frumoase. Insa citind retetele mi-am dat seama ca sunt coapte in forme speciale din blat de tort sau chec, lucru care nu prea s-a potrivit cu ideea mea de gogoasa. Asa ca am lasat retetele lor la o parte si am mers pe instinct – a rezultat un aluat simplu cu drojdie pe care l-am lasat sa creasca la rece pentru a obtine rezultate mai bune. Si a iesit ce vedeti – gogosi pufoase, bine crescute, egale, aromate si colorate. Piciul meu a fost primul care le-a degustat si si-a dat binecuvantarea, motiv pentru care au si ajuns pe blog. I-a placut enorm sa le decoreze cu bombonelele si a iesit nu doar un desert bun, cat si un moment super amuzant mama-fiu!
Gogosi glazurate
- 450 g faina (cernuta)
- 3 g sare
- 1 ou
- 50 g zahar alb granulat
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 5 g coaja de lamaie
- 100 g lapte caldut
- 2 g drojdie instant
- 100 g lapte batut
- 60 g unt topit si racit
- 150 g zahar pudra
- 3 linguri lapte*
- 1/2 lingurita extract de vanilie
- Colorant si bombonele colorate pentru decor
- Inlocuiti laptele cu suc de lamaie (de portocale sau piure de fructe pentru arome diferite)
- Incepeti prin a combina laptele caldut cu drojdia intr-un bol. Dati deoparte 5-10 minute.
- In alt bol, mixati oul cu zaharul pana obtineti un amestec cremos. Adaugati vanilia si coaja de lamaie, apoi laptele si drojdia, laptele batut si untul topit.
- Incorporati faina si sarea si framantati aluatul cateva minute pana devine elastic si omogen.
- Acoperiti bolul cu un prosop sau folie alimentara si lasati sa creasca fie o ora la temperatura camerei, fie o noapte in frigider.
- Puneti aluatul pe masa infainata si intindeti o foaie de 8-10mm grosime apoi taiati cercuri cu un cutter de fursecuri. Folosind un cutter mai mic, taiati centrul fiecarei gogosi pentru a obtine aceste gogosi cu gaura, faimoase peste ocean si nu numai.
- Lasati gogosile sa creasca inca 30 minute apoi infierbantati 1-2 cani de ulei intr-un vas adanc. Prajiti fiecare gogoasa pe toate partile pana devine aurie apoi scoateti-o pe prosoape de hartie pentru a absorbi excesul de ulei.
- Amestecati zaharul pudra cu laptele pentru a obtine o glazura groasa, dar care inca curge de pe lingura. Adaugati vanilia si colorant daca doriti.
- Inmuiati fiecare gogoasa in glazura, lasati sa se scurga excesul si decorati cu bombonele sau fulgi de ciocolata din belsug.
- Sa aveti pofta!
These glazed donuts are a treat, a dessert and a coffee treat all at once and they surely are what my son’s been craving for weeks. He has these clear ideas about what he wants for desserts and won’t stop until I make it happen. It’s been donuts this time, but once these were over, he started asking for waffles. What a funny little guy! Lucky I love him to bits and I enjoy putting a smile on his sweet tiny face.
But aren’t these glazed donuts beautiful?! I suppose you’re gonna have to trust my word about how delicious they are. The recipe is simple enough to mix up a batch right away though, so worry not, I’m not putting you to hard work!
Prior to making these fluffy, moist, zesty donuts, I made research on the dough, the glaze, ways to decorate them and most of the recipes I found were baked in donut pans, cakey and definitely not what I thought donuts were. So I decided to go with my guts and use a simple yeasted dough instead which I proofed overnight in the fridge – I find this technique to yield better results, but if you’re in a hurry, proofing at room temperature works just as good.
My initial plan was to make fondant from scratch – you know, the stuff that gets cooked to a certain temperature then mixed until it becomes white and glossy. But time wasn’t my friend the day I made them so a simple sugar glaze was the only choice I had left. Now that I think of it, melted chocolate would have been a great option as well, but oh well, I suppose there will be a next time!
Glazed Donuts
- Donuts:
- 450 g all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1 egg
- 50 g white sugar
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon lemon zest
- 100 ml warm milk
- 1/2 teaspoon instant yeast
- 100 ml warm buttermilk
- 60 g butter (melted and cooled)
- 150 g powdered sugar
- 3 tablespoons whole milk
- 1/2 teapsoon vanilla extract
- Food coloring
- Sprinkles or chocolate flakes
- Mix the warm milk and yeast in a bowl and allow to proof for 5 minutes.
- In another bowl, mix the egg and sugar until creamy and pale. Add the warm milk and yeast, as well as buttermilk and melted butter.
- Stir in the flour and salt and knead at least 10 minutes to obtain an elastic, smooth dough. If you have a stand mixer, this part is fairly easy.
- Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and allow to proof for 1 hour at room temperature or overnight in the fridge.
- Roll the dough into a thick sheet, about 8mm thickness then cut rounded shapes with a round cookie cutter. Using a smaller cutter, cut out the center of each donut.
- Cover the donuts with a clean kitchen towel and allow them to proof for 30 more minutes.
- Bring a few cups of frying oil to high temperature over medium to high flame.
- Carefully drop each donuts in the hot oil and fry on each side just until golden.
- Remove the donuts on paper towels.
- Mix the sugar and milk in a bowl until creamy. The glaze should be fairly thick, but still run off the spoon. If it’s too thick, add a few more drops of milk; if it’s too thin, add more powdered sugar. If using food coloring, add just a tiny drop of you favorite color and mix well.
- Dip each donut in the glaze and allow it to drip off the excess. Decorate with your desired sprinkles.
arata bestial ! cam cate bucati ies dintr-o portie ? ms 🙂
Alina, ies cam 8 bucati, dar depinde cat de mari le faci.
Raspunsul la intrebarea ce o aveam pregatita,l-am aflat ceva mai sus.
Asadar,doar un mare MULTUMESC!
These doughnuts are beautiful Olguta! I love them and I love the different colours you’ve used as well.
Lovely glaze and great results.
Thank you, Angela. It was so fun to make these!
Te rog frumos sa-mi spui,daca vrei,ce marca de colorant folosesti.
Andrada, pentru gogosile de fata am folosit colorant gel, dar prefer colorantul pudra. Pastaidevanilie.ro au colorant pudra foarte bun.