Crema de patiserie cu vanilie

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crema de patiserie cu vanilie

Mult timp am evitat sa fac crema de vanilie clasica. De fapt, nici acum nu pot spune ca e tocmai printre preferatele mele. Prefer mousse-ul, cremeux, jeleuri, insa cateodata aceasta crema este necesara, mai ales la deserturi precum eclerele sau choux a la creme. In plus, este poate crema de baza a cofetariei asa ca am considerat ca merita un loc pe acest blog.

Crema de vanilie se face din lapte, oua si zahar plus un agent de ingrosare care sa le lege pe toate impreuna, precum faina sau amidon. Reteta de fata este o adaptare dupa reteta Le Cordon Bleu. Ei folosesc un amestec de amidon si faina, obtinand astfel o crema fina, care se topeste in gura cu fiecare muscatura. Desi denumita crema de vanilie insa, aceasta baza poate fi aromata si cu rom, Cointreau, Grand Marnier, cafea sau ciocolata si poate fi folosita ca punct de pornire pentru alte creme.

Crema de patiserie cu vanilie

Crema de patiserie este una dintre cremele de baza ale cofetariei, nelipsita din trusa de retete a unui cofetar!


  • 1000 g lapte 3.5% grasime
  • 125 g zahar alb granulat A
  • 6 galbenusuri
  • 2 oua intregi
  • 125 g zahar alb granulat B
  • 60 g faina alba
  • 20 g amidon de porumb
  • 2 g sare
  • 1 pastaie de vanilie sau 2 lingurite extract de vanilie


  • Incepeti prin a combina laptele cu 125g zahar (A) intr-un vas suficient de mare. Puneti pe foc mic spre mediu si infierbantati laptele.
  • Combinati galbenusurile, ouale, sarea si zaharul B ramas intr-un bol si mixati pana ouale isi dubleaza volumul si obtineti un amestec deschis la culoare.
  • Adaugati faina si amidonul si amestecati bine.
  • Turnati laptele fierbinte peste amestecul de oua si faina, amestecand continuu cu un tel. Transferati inapoi in vasul de fiert si gatiti pana incepe sa se ingroase.
  • Gatiti crema 3-4 minute la foc MIC apoi luati de pe foc si transferati intr-un bol curat. Acoperiti la suprafata cu folie alimentara pentru a nu prinde crusta.


*daca folositi pastaie de vanilie, taiati-o in jumatate pe lungime si puneti-o in laptele fierbinte inca de la inceput.
*daca folositi extract de vanilie, incorporati-l dupa ce crema s-a racit.
*pentru varianta cu ciocolata, adaugati 300g ciocolata topita in crema calda.
*pentru varianta cu cafea, adaugati 4 lingurite de cafea instant in laptele fierbinte.
Keyword Vanilie
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


For the longest of times I would avoid making vanilla pastry cream, but after recently experimenting with choux pastry, choux a la creme and eclairs, I felt like it was time to give pastry cream another chance. I used to find it too thick and dense in the past, but this recipe turn my world upside down so to speak and I rediscovered what’s said to be the most basic of the cremes used in the pastry kitchen.

Pastry cream, also known as creme patisserie, is prepared with milk, eggs and sugar and it uses either flour or cornstarch as the binding agent, depending on the degree of lightness desired.  The flavorings can include vanilla, rum or Cointreau, but also chocolate or coffee. The recipe below is an adaptation after the recipe provided by the Le Cordon Bleu pastry book. They prefer using a mix of flour and cornstarch and I find this to be my desired lightness – the cream is smooth, not too dense and it melts in your mouth when you eat it. It’s also a great base for other creams used in the pastry kitchens, but more on that in a future blog post.

Vanilla Pastry Cream

Olguta – Pastry Workshop


  • 1000 ml whole milk
  • 125 g white sugar
  • 6 egg yolks
  • 2 eggs
  • 125 g white sugar
  • 60 g all-purpose flour
  • 20 g cornstarch
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 vanilla bean (split in half lengthwise or 2 teaspoons vanilla extract)


  • Start by combining the milk and 125g sugar in a saucepan. If using vanilla bean, add it to the milk at this point. Bring to the boiling point over low to medium flame.
  • In the meantime, mix the egg yolks, eggs and the remaining sugar in a bowl until pale and double in volume.
  • Stir in the flour, cornstarch and salt and mix well then pour in the hot milk, mixing while doing so to prevent the eggs from curdling.
  • Pour the mixture back into the saucepan and place back over heat.
  • Cook, whisking all the time, until the mixture becomes to thicken. Ideally, you should cook the pastry cream for 1-2 minutes to make sure the flour is cooked through. The cream will go through various stages of stiffness. At first, it will set quickly, then it will soften as you boil it and set again. To test if it’s ready, dip the tip of a cold knife into the cream then allow it to cool down. If you can remove the cream off the knife without leaving traces of cream on the blade of the knife, the cream is ready.
  • Remove from heat and cover the cream with plastic wrap on its surface.
  • Allow to cool down completely before adding the vanilla extract.


For the chocolate version, add 300g of melted chocolate in the warm pastry cream.
For the coffee version, stir 4 teaspoons of instant coffee in the hot milk.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
Vanilla Pastry Cream
crema de patiserie cu vanilie

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  1. I love making creme patissiere! I think it tastes great and it’s perfect for making creme diplomat and so many other flavoured pastry creams. I have found that you don’t necessarily have to make it with whole milk either – I usually make it with whatever milk I have in, which is normally skimmed, I also only use cornflour – I found if I used normal flour it always tasted chalky, despite how long I cooked it for.

    Great post Olguta.

  2. I tried your little choux puffs Oana, they worked beautifully! Will definitely make them again and try some of this cream! x

  3. Olguta, daca vreau s-o fac cu unt, cam ce cantitate trebuie sa mixez? Am incercat aseara la 1/3 din doza ta cu 125 gr unt gras si dupa ce ca nu fu dulce am reusit si performanta s-o branzesc :))) Multumesc!

    1. Maria, proportiile sunt de 2 parti crema, 1 parte unt la temperatura camerei. E important ca cele doua sa fie la aceeasi temperatura, cea ambientala. Se mixeaza crema de vanilie usor sa devina cremoasa iar, apoi se adauga untul moale, in 2-3 adaugiri, mixand la viteza mica 2-3 minute pana devine cremos. Incearca initial cu o cantitate mai mica, nu te da batuta pentru ca iese! Si neaparat sa folosesti unt de 82% grasime!

  4. Buna Olguta! De mult ii dadeam tarcoale acestei retete si am incercat-o acum 2 seri – a iesit super yummy, multumesc!

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