Millefeuille cu pralina si ciocolata
![praline milk chocolate millefeuille praline milk chocolate millefeuille](
Cofetaria frantuzeasca este fara indoiala cea mai buna din lume! Este acea baza pe care este recomandat sa o studiezi daca vrei sa inveti mai multe si cuprinde toata informatia de care ai nevoie pentru a deveni un cofetar excelent. Sigur ca mai apoi iei toata aceasta informatie si o aplici altor deserturi sau adaptezi tehnici ori jonglezi cu ingrediente… insa totul pleaca de la o baza, o temelie care trebuie pusa bine astfel incat ce construiesti mai apoi sa nu se poata darama usor.
Reteta de astazi a ajuns pe blog insa nu pentru a va demonstra ceva, ci pentru a va impartasi una dintre preferatele mele: Millefeuille cu pralina. Foietajul caramelizat si crema de pralina sunt vedetele acestui desert si pe buna dreptate! Cred ca daca ar fi sa numesc ceva ce as lua cu mine pe o insula pustie in materie de ingrediente, pralina s-ar incadra la fix! Dulceata si aroma intensa o fac un ingredient excelent si cu siguranta unul pentru care am o mare slabiciune (alaturi de busuioc, fistic si tonka).
Milefeuille se traduce prin “o mie de foi” si e suficient sa privim straturile usor infoiate ale foietajului pentru a intelege de unde provine acest nume. Mai este cunoscut si sub numele de Napoleon, insa originea acestui desert ramane un mister. Prima mentiune apare undeva pe la 1600, intr-o carte de bucate frantuzeasca si mai avem apoi o continuare a istoriei abia cateva decenii mai tarziu cand bine cunoscutul Antoine Careme numea le gateau de mille feuilles drept o reteta antica. Numele de Napoleon apare mult mai tarziu, dar este gresit atribuit lui Napoleon Bonaparte, fiind mai degraba legat de orasul Napoli din Italia. Asadar, avem deja o a doua posibila origine a desertului – Italia. Exista insa voci care sustin ca millefeuille si-ar avea originea in tortul ungar Szegedinertorte.
In mod traditional, millefeuille este realizat din foi de aluat de foietaj caramelizat, umplute cu crema de patiserie, desi umplutura initiala era, se pare, gem si fructe. In ceea ce priveste crema de patiserie insa, variantele disponibile sunt nenumarate, de la cea mai simpla – vanilia – pana la ciocolata, fistic sau pasta de pralina.
Millefeuille cu pralina si ciocolata
Foietaj caramelizat:
- 1 foaie de aluat foietaj*
- Zahar alb
Crema diplomat cu pralina:
- 350 ml lapte gras
- 100 g galbenus
- 80 g zahar alb
- 1 g sare
- 30 g amidon
- 4 g gelatina foi
- 100 g pasta de pralina
- 1 lingurita extract de vanilie
- 150 ml smantana pentru frisca (batuta)
Ganache cu ciocolata cu lapte:
- 100 ml smantana pentru frisca
- 200 g ciocolata cu lapte
- 40 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 5 ml Amaretto
Foietaj caramelizat:
- Rulati aluatul pe masa de lucru. Presarati zahar alb granulat in strat subtire, omogen, apoi treceti cu grija cu sucitorul deasupra pentru a presa zaharul in aluat.
- Realizati cateva gauri cu furculita apoi transferati aluatul intr-o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt. Puneti deasupra o alta foaie de hartie de copt si inca o tava care sa mentina greutatea astfel incat aluatul sa nu creasca la fel de mult la copt.
- Coaceti la 170C pentru 30-40 minute sau pana devine auriu si crocant.
- Lasati la racit apoi taiati la dimensiunile dorite.
Crema diplomat cu pralina:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti laptele intr-un vas.
- Amestecati galbenusul cu zaharul apoi adaugati amidonul si sarea. Amestecati bine apoi turnati minim 2/3 din laptele cald, treptat, amestecand continuu.
- Intoarceti compozitia inapoi in vasul de gatit si puneti pe foc mic. Gatiti pana crema se ingroase plus inca 1 minut.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina apoi acoperiti cu folie si lasati sa se raceasca complet.
- Re-mixati crema pana devine cremoasa si adaugati pasta de pralina, urmata de vanilie. Mixati bine.
- Incorporati smantana batuta.
- Puneti crema intr-un pos cu dui rotund si dati la frigider pana la nevoie.
Ganache de ciocolata cu lapte:
- Incalziti smantana intr-un vas.
- Turnati peste ciocolata si lasati deoparte 2 minute.
- Omogenizati apoi adaugati untul. Incorporati Amaretto.
- Puneti intr-un pos si dati la frigider pana devine vascos, usor de posat.
Pentru a finisa millefeuille:
- Asezati un strat de foietaj caramelizat pe platou. Puneti deasupra cu posul crema diplomat, intercaland-o cu ganache de ciocolata cu lapte.
- Continuati cu foietaj, diplomat si ganache si in cele din urma un ultim strat de foietaj.
- Decorati dupa dorinta.
![praline milk chocolate millefeuille praline milk chocolate millefeuille](
The French patisserie is without doubt the best in the world! It’s the base of modern pastry and the one that every pastry chef goes to when in need of a perfect technique or great recipe! Pate a choux, pate feuillete, pate sucree, pate brisee, pate a foncer and the list can go on! And these are just some of the most basic elements of a dessert. We would spend days to go through every single bit of patisserie, counting every single dessert and years, if not a lifetime, to master all of them!
The hazelnut praline is one of my favorites – definitely something I cannot resist eating! Whether you make it at home or buy it, it’s just as good, the only difference being its smoothness. And the milk chocolate… well, it’s chocolate.. let’s face it, no matter what, it will be delicious! And it all goes so well with the crunchy, caramelized, intense puff pastry! This praline chocolate millefeuille is a keeper!
As for the puff pastry, you can either make it yourself or buy it. No matter what you choose, be kind to yourself! So what if you buy a sheet of puff pastry?! Believe me – a lot can be done with it! If you do have the time and the nerve though, do make your own!
Millefeuille translates through “a thousand leaves” and it’s easy to see why just by looking at the countless layers of the puff pastry. It is also known as Napoleon, although it has nothing to do with the known leader, Napoleon Bonparte, but rather it is connected to the city of Naples, Italy. This leads us to the mistery that this dessert is surrounded in, no one knowing for sure where it comes from and who created it. Some voices say that it even has Hungarian origins. French however, through the one and only Antoine Careme, took the dessert one step further, refining it. Carame even refers to it as an “ancient recipe” so we can assume that the thousand leaves were known for a very long time before him.
Milk Chocolate Praline Millefeuille
Caramelized puff pastry:
- 1 sheet of puff pastry*
- Granulated white sugar
Praline creme diplomat:
- 350 g whole milk
- 100 g egg yolks
- 80 g white sugar
- 1 g salt
- 30 g cornstarch
- 4 g gelatin sheets
- 100 g praline paste
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 150 g heavy cream (whipped)
Milk chocolate ganache:
- 100 g heavy cream
- 200 g milk chocolate
- 40 g butter (softened)
- 5 g Amaretto
- Roll out the sheet of puff pastry then sprinkle it with an even layer of white sugar.
- Gently roll the dough to press the sugar in then transfer in a baking tray lined with parchment paper. Cover with a second sheet of parchment paper then a second baking pan – the weight of the second pan will prevent the puff pastry from rising too much.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 170C for 30-40 minutes or until evenly caramelized, golden brown and crisp.
- Allow to cool down in the pan then slice the caramelized puff pastry to your needed measures.
Praline diplomat cream:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat up the milk in a saucepan.
- Mix the egg yolks and sugar in a bowl. Stir in the cornstarch and salt and mix well.
- Pour in 2/3 of the hot milk, stirring constantly, then transfer back in the saucepan and place on low heat.
- Cook until the cream begins to thicken then keep on heat 1 more minute.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin.
- Cover the cream with plastic wrap to prevent a skin forming then allow to cool down completely.
- Once chilled, re-mix the cream until smooth then stir in the praline paste and vanilla extract.
- Fold in the heavy cream then spoon the cream in a pastry bag fitted with a round nozzle. Place in the fridge until needed.
Milk chocolate ganache:
- Heat up the milk in a saucepan.
- Pour over the milk chocolate and allow to rest for 2 minutes.
- Mix until smooth then add the butter. Give it a good mix. Stir in the Amaretto.
- Transfer in a pastry bag and refrigerate until it is ready to pipe.
To assemble the dessert:
- Place a layer of puff pastry on your dessert’s presentation cardboard or platter. Pipe logs of diplomat cream, alternating them with milk chocolate ganache. Place a second layer of puff pastry on top, followed by praline cream and milk chocolate ganache. Finish off with a final layer of puff pastry.
- Decorate with powdered sugar.
- Enjoy!
![praline milk chocolate millefeuille praline milk chocolate millefeuille](
Arata foarte bine,crema diplomat cu pralina e minunata,e imposibil sa nu i placa cuiva.
Aluatul de foietaj se gaseste si in supermarket? Parca am vazut sau confund cu foile de placinta?
Am gasit! Am facut! Am reusit! Multumesc pentru reteta!
Crema diplomat cu pralina e ok si pentru umplut macarons?
Tot vreau sa fac niste macaron cu praline si nu am idei.
Catrinel, nu o recomand. Are ou, nu rezista prea mult. Incearca un ganache cu pralina in loc.