Tarte cu fistic

Mergi direct la reteta Tarte cu fistic si zmeura

Fisticul este cu siguranta unul dintre ingredientele mele preferate in cofetarie. Gustul si aroma lui sunt inconfundabile si extraordinare! In plus, ador culoarea, mi se pare cea mai frumoasa si comestibila daca vreti, nuanta de verde posibila!

pistachio raspberry tartelettes

Aceste tarte, alaturi de zmeura, creeaza un contrast atat de frumos rosu-verde, o diferenta de culori care te indeamna sa mananci! Dai apoi de dulceata ciocolatei albe si a aromei delicate de fistic, de intensitatea zmeurei si papilele gustative sunt inundate de contrastul dulce-acrisor. Reteta in sine este simpla, dar de efect!

Tarte cu fistic si zmeura

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Aceste tarte cu fistic si zmeura surprind aroma minunata a fisticului contrastand-o cu subtilitatea zmeurei. O tarta care va impresiona chiar si pe cei mai mofturosi!
Prep Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Chilling time 6 hours
Rezultat –10 bucati


Pate sucree:

  • 125 g unt (rece, taiat cuburi)
  • 270 g faina alba (cernuta)
  • 1 g sare
  • 60 g zahar pudra (cernut)
  • 30 g faina de migdale
  • 50 g oua intregi
  • 2 g extract de vanilie

Frangipane de fistic:

  • 80 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 75 g zahar pudra (cernut)
  • 80 g oua
  • 30 g faina de migdale
  • 50 g fistic macinat
  • 10 g amidon
  • 5 g faina alba
  • 1 g sare
  • 50 g zmeura proaspata (jumatati)

Chantilly de fistic:

  • 350 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 3 g gelatina + 15g apa rece
  • 100 g ciocolata alba
  • 25 g pasta de fistic pura
  • 5 g extract de vanilie

Ingrediente extra:

  • Zmeura proaspata
  • Fistic tocat


Pate sucree:

  • Combinati ingredientele uscate in vasul mixerului.
  • Adaugati untul si amestecati cu spatula pana obtineti o compozitie nisipoasa, cu bucati foarte mici de unt.
  • Adaugati oul si vanilia si amestecati doar pana se omogenizeaza si aluatul se aduna intr-o bila.
  • Infoliati si dati la rece minim 6 ore.
  • Asezati aluatul pe masa infainata si intindeti o foaie de 2mm grosime. Decupati un disc si asezati-l in inelul de tarta, presand usor pentru a-l aseza in inel.
  • Gauriti aluatul cu o furculita pentru a permite aburilor din timpul coptului sa iasa apoi cngelati minim 10 minute.
  • Coaceti la 170C pentru 15-20 minute sau pana crusta devine usor aurie.

Frangipane cu fistic:

  • Mixati untul si zaharul pudra 5 minute pana devine cremos si pufos. Incorporati treptat ouale, mixand bine.
  • Adaugati restul ingredientelor si omogenizati.
  • Puneti intr-un pos si umpleti fiecare coaja de tarta pe 3/4. Presarati deasupra cateva bucati de zmeura.
  • Coaceti la 160C pentru 15 minute sau pana frangipane devine auriu.
  • Lasati la racit.

Chantilly cu fistic:

  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
  • Incalziti smantana intr-un vas. Turnati peste ciocolata si pasta de fistic intr-un bol.
  • Omogenizati cun un blender.
  • Raciit 8 ore apoi spumati si puneti crema intr-un pos.
  • Decorati fiecare tarta cu chantilly, zmeura proaspata si fistic tocat.

Ustensile si echipamente

Inele de tarta
Sucitor pentru intins aluatul
Blender de mana
Pos de unica folosinta
Keyword Ciocolata alba, Fistic, Frangipane, Tarte
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Truth is that the last couple of weeks, if not months, have been so so intense with classes and masterclasses and so much recipe research and tasting. Not that I am complaining as it’s been so fun and delightful! It’s like a dream job – making desserts and teaching people – it’s like living my childhood dream intertwined with my adulthood dream. I feel so blessed for everything that happened for the last almost 3 years!

Back to our today’s recipe though, I give you these delicious pistachio raspberry tartelettes that look just as good as they taste! In fact, the recipe is quite simple, but at the end of the day simplicity does know how to shine through good quality ingredients.  Because that is the key to great pastries – always start with the best ingredients! Work on the taste first and then on the final design of the dessert!

pistachio raspberry tartelettes

The pistachio raspberry tartelettes are packed with pistachio flavor coming from both the frangipane and the pistachio chantilly. The raspberries make the final taste slightly tangier and balance the aroma and the sweetness perfectly.

Pistachio Raspberry Tartelettes

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
These pistachio raspberry tartelettes will impress anyone, not just pistachio lovers! Their aroma is so delicate! The process of making them is interesting too, especially for the pastry passionates.
Prep Time 40 minutes
Cook Time 30 minutes
Chilling time 6 hours
Rezultat –10 pieces


Pate sucree:

  • 125 g butter (chilled and cubed)
  • 270 g white flour (sifted)
  • 1 g salt
  • 60 g powdered sugar (sifted)
  • 30 g almond flour
  • 50 g whole eggs
  • 2 g vanilla extract

Pistachio frangipane:

  • 80 g butter
  • 75 g powdered sugar
  • 80 g eggs
  • 30 g almond flour
  • 50 g ground pistachio
  • 10 g cornstarch
  • 5 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 g salt
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 50 g fresh raspberries (squared)

Pistachio chantilly:

  • 350 g heavy cream
  • 3 g gelatin + 15g cold water
  • 100 g white chocolate
  • 25 g pistachio paste
  • 5 g vanilla extract

Extra ingredients:

  • Fresh raspberries
  • Chopped pistachio


Pate sucree:

  • Combine the dry ingredients in the bowl of your mixer.
  • Add the butter and mix until the mixture looks sandy and the butter is broken into very small pieces.
  • Add the egg and vanilla, all at once and mix just until the dough comes together.
  • Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.
  • Once chilled, transfer on a floured working surface and roll it into a 2mm thick sheet. Place the dough in your tart ring and press it lightly to line the ring well.
  • Puncture the bottom of the tart with a fork to allow steams to escape then freeze for at least 10 minutes.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 170C for 15-20 minutes or until slightly golden brown. Allow to cool down.

Pistachio frangipane:

  • Mix the butter and sugar in a bowl for 5 minutes until pale and light. Stir in the eggs, gradually, mixing well.
  • Add the almond flour, pistachio, cornstarch and flour, as well as salt and vanilla and mix to combine.
  • Spoon the frangipane into a pastry bag and pipe it into the tartlette shells, filling them only 3/4.
  • Top with a few pieces of fresh raspberries.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 160C for 15 minutes or until set.
  • Allow to cool down completely.

Pistachio chantilly:

  • Bloom the gelatin in water.
  • Heat up the cream in a pot.
  • Remove from heat and add the gelatin.
  • Pour over the chocolate and pistachio paste in a bowl and blend until smooth.
  • Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 8 hours.
  • Whip until fluffy and stiff then pipe on top of each tartelette. Decorate with fresh raspberries and chopped pistachio.

Ustensile si echipamente

Hand blender
Cooking stove
Tart rings
Rolling Pin
Piping bag
Round nozzle
Keyword Frangipane, Pistachio, Raspberry, Tarts
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
pistachio raspberry tartelettes
pistachio raspberry tartelettes

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  1. Superbe! Ce n-as da sa le si gust…te apreciez pentru dedicatia si rezultatele vizibile pe site, mult succes in continuare!

  2. How finely grouond do the pistachios need to be. I’m going to try and make this wonderful dessert!!

  3. this look sooo delicious, one question, by white flour u mean all purpose flour, or what kind of flour did u used?

  4. Am incercat reteta de frangipane dar din placate nu sa primit. Ma gindesc, poate, lipseste din greseala oil din pistachio frangipane?! Multumesc

  5. hello chef , what is the size of tart ring used in this recipe ? and how many servings does this recipe make ?

  6. Hello Chef,
    I would like to use agar agar instead of gelatine. Would please tell me how much agar agar should I use? Is it ok to keep the 3grams in 15grams of water?

    1. Agar agar needs to be boiled to activate, it does not apply to this recipe. You can skip adding the gelatine, but keep in mind that the cream may be a bit less stiff.

  7. Hi Chef, I have the similar question as above. I would like to substitute gelatin with agar agar. what the conversion ratio for 3 g of gelatin to agar?

  8. Bună, Olguța!
    Pot să fac o singură tartă, într-o formă de 24-26 cm? Nu am forme mici, dar vreau neapărat să fac rețeta asta ????
    Mulțumesc frumos!

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