Tarte St. Honore
Cofetaria frantuzeasca nu inceteaza sa ma minuneze, nu doar datorita complexitatii ei, ci si a faptului ca fiecare desert in parte reprezinta o baza excelenta pentru altceva, o sursa de inspiratie continua daca vreti. De exemplu, aceste tarte au ca punct de plecare celebrul tort St. Honore, atat ca forma, cat si ca gust final, concentrandu-se in jurul caramelului si pralinei. Sunt cremoase, delicioase, au textura si aroma si sunt complexe structural vorbind. Nu e tocmai la indemana sa le realizezi, dar efortul merita! Ce vedeti voi in aceste fotografii superbe realizate de Ionela Stoica sunt tartele realizate de cursantii mei in cadrul unui
Tarte St. Honore
Pate sucree:
- 120 g unt (rece si taiat cuburi)
- 270 g faina alba
- 1 g sare
- 60 g zahar pudra
- 30 g faina de migdale
- 50 g oua intregi
- 1 g extract vanilie
Ganache caramek:
- 160 g zahar alb
- 60 g sirop glucoza
- 310 g smantana pentru frisca
- 340 g ciocolata cu lapte
- 10 g Amaretto
Chantilly cu vanilie:
- 175 g smantana pentru frisca
- 1/2 pastaie de vanilie
- 15 g sirop glucoza
- 60 g ciocolata alba
- 2 g gelatina + 10g apa
- 50 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 60 g zahar brun deschis
- 60 g faina alba
Pate a choux:
- 100 g lapte
- 100 g apa
- 10 g zahar alb
- 2 g sare
- 80 g unt
- 120 g faina alba
- 240 g oua intregi (+/-)
Crema diplomat cu pralina:
- 300 g lapte
- 60 g galbenus
- 80 g zahar alb
- 30 g amidon
- 1 praf de sare
- 4 g gelatina + 20g apa
- 80 g pralina
- 3 g extract vanilie
- 200 g smantana pentru frisca (batuta ferm)
Pate sucree:
- Combinati ingredientele uscate in bolul mixerului.
- Mixati pana obtineti un amestec nisipos.
- Adaugati oul si vanilia si mixati la viteza minima doar pana la omogenizare.
- Infoliati si dati la rece minim 6 ore.
- Intindeti foi de 2mm grosime, apoi decupati discuri si folositi-le pentru a forma cojile de tarta in inele de tarta.
- Congelati cojile de tarta minim 1 ora apoi coaceti la 170C pentru 15-20 minute sau pana devin aurii intens.
- Raciti.
Ganache caramel:
- Incalziti smantans i glucoza.
- Caramelizati zaharul pana devine auriu inchis. Luati de pe foc.
- Deglasati cu smantana fierbinte si omogenizati.
- Turnati peste ciocolata si omogenizati cu un blender.
- Turnati in cojile de tarta si dati la rece minim 4 ore pentru a se inchega.
Chantilly cu vanilie:
- Incalziti smantana si vanilia si infuzati 10 minute.
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Topiti ciocolata apoi combinati-o cu restul ingredientelor si omogenizati cu un blender dupa inlaturarea pastaii de vanilie.
- Acoperiti cu folie si dati la rece minim 6 ore.
- Mixati untul si zaharul 2 minute.
- Adaugati faina si omogenizati.
- Intindeti aluatul obtinut intre 2 hartii de copt pana atinge o grosime de 1-2mm.
- Congelati.
Pate a choux – aluat oparit:
- Combinati apa, laptele, sarea, zaharul si untul intr-un vas.
- Dati in clocot apoi adaugati faina, toata o data. Omogenizati apoi gatiti pe foc timp de 1-2 minute, amestecand continuu.
- Transferati in bolul mixerului si raciti pana in jurul temperaturii de 40C, apoi adaugati ouale, treptat, pana obtineti un aluat lucios, omogen care curge de pe spatula intr-un fr gros.
- Posati bile de aluat pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
- Scoateti craquelin din congelator si decupati discuri putin mai mari decat aluatul oparit posat. Asezati-le pe fiecare choux in parte.
- Coaceti la 160C pentru 35-40 minute.
- Lasati la racit, apoi realizati o gaura pe talpa fiecarui choux.
Diplomat cu pralina:
- Incalziti laptele intr-un vas.
- Hidratati gelatina in apa.
- Amestecati galbenusul cu zaharul, apoi adaugati sarea si amidonul.
- Turnati laptele in fir subtire peste galbenus. Intoarceti pe foc si gatiti pana la ingrosare, apoi inca 1 minut in plus.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina.
- Raciti crema bine, apoi mixati-o pentru a redeveni cremoasa si adaugati vanilia, pralina si smantana batuta spuma.
- Umpleti choux-urile cu aceasta crema, iar restul depozitati-l intr-un pos cu sprit zimtat.
Pentru a finisa tarta:
- Spumati chantilly pana devine ferm. Posati un mot de chantilly in centrul tartei cu ganache caramel.
- Asezati cu grija 3 choux-uri peste crema chantilly.
- Posati crema diplomat cu pralina printre cele trei choux.
- Decorati dupa dorinta.
French pastries are some of the best in the world, new all agree on that. What I love about them though is not necessarily the taste and texture, but the fact that they represent the norm, they are the base of everything else. Starting from any of them French desserts, one can easily create something else, get inspired and play with elements, keep the base and go wild with the extras, play around and have fun at the end of the day. This is how these St. Honore tartlettes were actually born – having the famous St. Honore Gateau as an inspiration point, but adding the tartlette shell and an extra filling. They look good and taste even better!
These St. Honore tartelettes were a hit at my past tart and French dessert class. And I share the recipe with you today because I changed my setup for tartlettes classes recently and even though they didn’t make it to the new list of recipes, they are still some of the best I have made. The reason I chose another recipe instead of these is the fact that they take a lot of time to make, considering all the elements they have. And sometimes there’s just not enough time during a class to make everything you want, even though there is will. And you just have to choose and focus not necessarily on simpler things, but on recipes that support more my view of the subject at a given moment.
These pictured in this beautiful photography were actually made by my students – they did so good with their work!
St. Honore Tartelettes
Pate sucree:
- 120 g butter (chilled and cubed)
- 270 g all-purpose flour
- 1 g salt
- 60 g powdered sugar
- 30 g almond flour
- 50 g whole eggs
- 1 g vanilla extract
Caramel ganache:
- 160 g white sugar
- 60 g glucose syrup
- 310 g heavy cream
- 340 g milk chocolate
- 10 g Amaretto liqueur
Vanilla chantilly:
- 175 g heavy cream
- 1/2 vanilla bean
- 15 g glucose syrup
- 60 g white chocolate
- 2 g gelatin + 10g water
- 50 g butter (room temperature)
- 60 g light brown sugar
- 60 g all-purpose-flour
Pate a choux:
- 100 g milk
- 100 g water
- 10 g white sugar
- 2 g salt
- 80 g butter
- 120 g bread flour
- 240 g whole eggs (+/-)
Praline diplomat:
- 300 g milk
- 60 g egg yolks
- 80 g white sugar
- 30 g cornstarch
- 1 pinch of salt
- 4 g gelatin + 20g water
- 80 g praline paste
- 3 g vanilla extract
- 200 g heavy cream (whipped to stiff peaks)
Pate sucree:
- Combine the dry ingredients in the bowl of your mixer.
- Add the butter and mix until the mixture looks sandy and the butter is broken into very small pieces.
- Add the egg and vanilla, all at once and mix just until the dough comes together.
- Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate for at least 6 hours.
- Once chilled, transfer on a floured working surface and roll it into a 2mm thick sheet. Place the dough in your tart ring and press it lightly to line the ring well.
- Puncture the bottom of the tart with a fork to allow steams to escape then freeze for at least 10 minutes.
- Bake in the preheated oven at 170C for 15-20 minutes or until slightly golden brown. Allow to cool down.
Caramel ganache:
- Heat the cream and glucose.
- Caramelize the sugar until dark golden brown. Remove from heat.
- Deglaze with the hot cream and stir until smooth.
- Pour over the chocolate and emulsify it with a hand blender.
- Pour into the baked tart shells, filling them to the top.
- Refrigerate for 6 hours to allow to crystallize and set.
Chantilly cu vanilie:
- Heat up the cream with vanilla and let it infuse for 10 minute.
- Bloom the gelatin in water.
- Melt the chocolate then combine it with the rest of the ingredients.
- Remove the vanilla bean and emulsify with a hand blender.
- Cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 6 hours before using.
- Mix the sugar and butter for 2 minutes.
- Add the flour and mix.
- Spread the dough between two sheets of baking paper until it is very thin, around 1-2mm.
- Freeze it until needed.
Pate a choux:
- Combine the milk, water, salt and sugar, as well as butter in a saucepan.
- Place on heat and bring to a boil.
- Remove from heat and add the flour, all at once.
- Mix well with a spatula then place back on heat and cook for 2 more minutes on medium heat.
- Transfer to the bowl of your mixer. Turn the mixer on low heat until the dough starts to cool down.
- Add the eggs, bit by bit, mixing well.
- The dough is ready when it pours off a spatula, but still looks stiff. It also looks shiny and smooth.
- Pipe small choux using a plain nozzle. The size depends on the size of your tartelettes. Usually between 2 and 4cm diameter.
- Take the craquelin out of the freezer and cut small discs slightly bigger then the choux. Place on top of each choux.
- Bake at 160C for 35-40 minutes.
- Allow to cool down.
Praline diplomat:
- Heat the milk in a pot.
- Bloom the gelatin in water.
- Mix the yolks with sugar and salt. Add the cornstarch.
- Pour in the hot milk, slowly, then place back on heat and cook until it thickens, plus one more minute to cook off the starch.
- Remove from heat and add the gelatin and praline.
- Cool down in the fridge for a few hours then mix to loosen up the cream.
- Add the vanilla and whipped cream.
- Use part of this cream to fill up the choux.
- Spoon the rest of the cream in pastry bag fitted with a star pastry tube.
To finish the tartelettes:
- Whip up the chantilly until airy and stiff. Pipe a dollop of chantilly in the center of the caramel ganache.
- Arrange around the chantilly 3 choux.
- Pipe a border of praline diplomat between each choux.
- Decorate as you wish.
- Enjoy!
What size ring do you normally use for individual tarts?
Thanks very much. I love your website and am looking forward to trying your recipes.