Fursecuri cu ciocolata
Stiti fursecurile acelea americane moi, cumva lipicioase, aromate?! Ei bine, am tot cautat o reteta care sa se apropie de ceea ce definesc eu fursec american cu bucati de ciocolata si intr-un final am gasit-o. Cred ca am incercat in jur de 5-6 retete pana acum dar niciuna nu a avut rezultatele asteptate, motiv pentru care nici nu au ajuns pe blog. Aceasta reteta este o adaptare dupa Top with Cinnamon – blog scris de Izy, o fata de 18 ani din Marea Britanie care face treaba asta de la 15 ani, impresionant, nu?! In plus, tocmai si-a publicat propria carte de retete asa ca va invit sa aruncati un ochi la ea pe blog.
Aceasta reteta a fost o surpriza tare placuta. Nu doar ca fursecurile sunt delicioase, dar sunt si usor de facut si, in plus, au ca ingredient aromatic principal untul, topit pana aproape de punctul in care se arde. Acest procedeu se numeste browning butter in engleza si inseamna de fapt topirea untului si apoi fierberea, prajirea lui pana devine auriu si capata o aroma deosebita, interesanta si destul de greu de descris. Mai mult decat atat, odata puse in tava fursecurile pot fi congelate si coapte mai tarziu, ceea ce reprezinta un avantaj enorm atunci cand timpul e scurt. Eu am facut cateva mici schimbari, cea mai importanta fiind faptul ca am redus din zahar cu riscul de a mai pierde putin din textura, caci desi imi place dulcele, il prefer putin mai moderat.
Fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata
- 140 g unt
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 230 g faina alba 000
- 3 g praf de copt
- 2 bicarbonat de sodiu
- 1 g sare
- 100 g zahar alb granulat
- 50 g zahar brun deschis
- 1 ou
- 15 og ciocolata neagra
- Puneti untul intr-un vas, de preferinta unul adanc, si topiti-l la foc mic. Odata topit, tineti vasul pe foc mic pana untul devine auriu. Stati aproape caci se poate arde foarte usor si aveti grija caci in functie de continutul de apa al untului, s-ar putea sa sara, sa improaste unt fierbinte imprejur.
- Luati untul auriu de pe foc si lasati 10 minute sa se racoreasca. Adaugati extractul de vanilie.
- Intr-un bol, amestecati ingredientele uscate, apoi adaugati untul si oul si amestecati cu o lingura pana la incorporare. Aluatul va arata oarecum nisipos, dar nu fiti tentati sa mai adaugati apa sau alt lichid.
- Formati bile de aluat si asezati-le pe o tava tapetata cu hartie de copt.
- Dati tava la congelator intr 1 ora si 72 ore. Cu cat stau mai mult la rece, cu atat au mai multa aroma si o textura mai buna.
- Cand sunteti gata sa le coaceti, preincalziti cuptorul la 200C si coaceti pentru 8-12 minute sau pana marginile sunt aurii, dar mijlocul este inca moale si pufos. Nu coaceti mai mult de atat caci oricum se intaresc dupa ce se racesc.
- lasati-le sa se raceasca in tava si pastrati-le intr-un vas etans.
I’ve been on the hunt for the perfect chocolate chip cookies for ages and I think I finally found that perfect chewy, flavorful, rich cookie that burst in your mouth with bitter-sweet pieces of chocolate and it’s perfect with a cup of tea or a glass of milk. I tried quite a few chocolate chip cookie recipes before and none of them proved to be as good as this one which is why they never made it to the blog. Unlike most recipes, this one doesn’t start by creaming butter and sugar. Instead, it uses browned butter and the mixing process is much easier and straight forward. In fact, the only thing that is more time-consuming while making it is the butter browning step – other than that, it’s piece of cake and the result is amazing. My inspiration for this recipe was Top with Cinnamon with a few changes, the main one being reducing the sugar content, which I always do because my taste buds like sweetness, but with good measure. It’s only a personal matter though so feel free to use the exact amount of sugar as Izy (btw, she’s 18, can you believe that?! she’s 18 and bakes such amazing things!).
It’s the browned butter that gives these cookies their distinctive flavor and makes them as chewy and rich as they are. The process of turning the butter into a rich, brown, fatty liquid is easy with one mention – do use a deep dish baking pan as it tends to splash, especially if you don’t use a good quality butter. I used a very shallow pan and only half of my butter was 80% fat, the other half was 60% fat so the water content made it splash quite a lot and the shallow pan contributed to it as well. You can only imagine how my stove looked after. Oh the joy of cleaning! But brown butter is well worth it! Its nutty flavor is unique and gives any recipe used into a lovely aroma that you can hardly put your finger on, but it’s definitely there and enriching every single bite.
{Chocolate Chip Cookies}
- 140 g butter
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 230 g all-purpose flour
- 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 100 g white sugar
- 50 g brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 150 g dark chocolate (chopped (I used a mix of 60% and milk chocolate))
- Melt the butter in a deep dish saucepan. Once melted, continue cooking it over low to medium flame until it looks golden brown and smells nutty. You will also notice that a few brown, almost burnt bits at the bottom of the pan. Remove the butter from heat and let it cool 10 minutes. Stir in the vanilla extract.
- Combine the dry ingredients in a bowl.
- Add the butter and egg over the dry ingredients and mix just until combined – don’t overmix the batter. It will look somehow grainy, crumbly but don’t worry, it’s fine.
- Take an ice cream scoop and fill it with dough, packing it well. Drop each cookie on a baking tray lined with parchment paper. I didn’t have an ice cream scoop so instead I took pieces of dough and shaped them in a bowl between the palm of my hands, packing them well.
- Once the cookies are formed, place the pan in the freezer and freeze for at least 1 hour, up to 72 hours. I left the cookies in the freezer for 12 hours, but the original recipe says that the longer they stay in the freezer, the better the taste and texture so that’s something to experiment with.
- Bake the cookies in the preheated oven at 400F for 8-12 minutes or until the edges turn golden brown but the center remains soft. Don’t bake them more than 12 minutes as they will harden after removed from the oven.
- Let the cookies cool in the pan and store them in an airtight container.
I love browned butter chocolate chip cookies! I’m so happy you discovered these 🙂
I’m just as happy, they are great and the recipe is definitely a keeper!
These are really delightful and I look forward to trying them in my own kitchen so I can eat them instead of just drool while looking at the screen.
Maureen, you won’t regret trying them, they’re great!
Hi, Olguta! Could you please tell me at what point you add the sugars? Is it immediately after browning the butter, or would you let the butter cool down? I presume you overlooked this step, because I can see the sugars among the ingredients.
Liliana, sugar is a dry ingredients, it’s added at step 2 (or 3 for the recipe in Romanian).
I should have figured that myself… Thank you very much!