Pavlova cu grapefruit si piper roz

Mergi direct la reteta Pavlova cu grapefruit si piper roz

Pavlova e un desert de talie internationala – atat de cunoscut a devenit in ultimii ani! Si pe buna dreptate caci Pavlova e unul dintre acele deserturi usor de facut care folosesc albusuri ramase de la alte deserturi si care pot chiar recicla fructe care nu se mai mananca. Acest norisor dulce de bezea devine instant un desert fabulos cu o crema fina si cateva fructe alese special pentru a complementa aroma.

pavlova cu grapefruit si piper roz

Combinatia de arome de azi implica grapefruit-ul roz si piperul roz, insa si o nota de apa de trandafir pentru a aduce totul impreuna. E un mix pe care mi l-am dorit de ceva timp, recunosc ca momentan sunt fascinata de citrice si mai ales de gref care nu este mai deloc exploatat in deserturi. Insa aroma lui interesanta si gustul usor amarui pot echilibra un desert ca niciun alt fruct din aceeasi categorie.

Pavlova cu grapefruit si piper roz

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Pavlova este un desert impresionant, mai ales in aceasta combinatie usor neobisnuita de grapefruit si piper roz.
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Rezultat –8 -10 portii


Bezea pentru Pavlova:

  • 180 g albusuri
  • 200 g zahar alb granulat
  • 175 g zahar pudra
  • 10 g amidon
  • 10 g otet de mere
  • 5 g apa de trandafiri
  • 2 g piper roz (usor maruntit)

Chantilly cu vanilie:

  • 380 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 2 g gelatina + 12g apa
  • 115 g ciocolata alba


  • 1 grapefruit mare (taiat segmente)
  • Piper roz pentru decor


Bezea pentru pavlova:

  • Spumati albusurile cateva minute pana capata volum.
  • Adaugati treptat zaharul si continuati spumarea la viteza medie pana obtineti o bezea ferma in care nu se mai simt granule de zahar.
  • Incorporati zaharul pudra in doua portii, apoi adaugati restul ingredientelor si omogenizati cu atentie, avand grija sa nu scoatem aerul incorporat in bezea.
  • Puneti bezeaua intr-o tava tapetata cu folie de silicon si dati-i forma dorita. Puteti face o pavlova mare sau cateva mai mici, insa luati in calcul ca veti avea timpi de coacere diferiti.
  • Coaceti la 100C pentru 2 ore – temperatura de coacere difera de la cuptor la cuptor. Puteti testa temperaturi intre 90 si 110C. Eu prefer sa coc putin mai mult timp bezeaua, respectiv sa o usuc mai tare astfel incat sa reziste mai bine dupa ce pun crema.
  • Raciti complet inainte de a pune crema.

Chantilly cu vanilie:

  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
  • Incalziti smantana cu vanilia.
  • Strecurati peste ciocolata si gelatina intr-un vas si omogenizati cu un blender.
  • Acoperiti cu folie si dati la frigider minim 4 ore.

Pentru a asambla:

  • Spumati chantilly pana capata volum si obtineti o crema ferma.
  • Asezati chantilly peste bezea.
  • Decorati cu segmente de grapefruit si putin piper roz.
  • Este un desert care se consuma cat mai repede dupa asamblare!
  • Sa aveti pofta!
Keyword Fructe, Grapefruit, Piper roz
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Pavlova has become an international dessert, that famous it is. But with good reason as this cloudy, light as air dessert has earned its place with its texture, ease of making and most of all, taste. Moreover, this pink pepper grapefruit pavlova is a dessert that has the advantage of using leftover egg whites and even fruits, so put your hands up in the air for that! No idea about you, but I always end up with plenty of egg whites and fruits to recycle! So I am happy whenever I get the chance to bake one of these beauties!

I keep getting asked quite a lot about Pavlova, how to store it, when exactly to make it, so here it is – Pavlova is a meringue based dessert; meringues contain a lot of sugar in order to become dry and crispy on the outside; but sugar is hygroscopic which means it absorbs water.. from the cream, from the air… thus leading to a soft pavlova in a matter of hours. Taking all that into consideration, Pavlova is a dessert whose elements can be made one day before, but it needs to be assembled as close as possible to the moment of serving. But (there’s always a but, right?!) you can find ways to delay the humidity absorption, such as brushing the meringue with melted chocolate or even a very thin layer of butter or ghee.

pink pepper grapefruit pavlova

The flavor mix is something I have been thinking quite a lot lately as citrus fruits seem to be my new obssession. So here you have it: a fluffy meringue flavored with pink pepper and a touch of rose water, the creamiest vanilla chantilly, topped with grapefruit segments and a bit of pink pepper for decor. It’s a rollercoaster of flavors!

Pink Pepper Grapefruit Pavlova

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Pavlova is amazing in its own, but combined with this amazing mix of flavors between grapefruit and pink pepper, the result is mind blowing.
Prep Time 25 minutes
Cook Time 2 hours
Rezultat –8 -10 servings


Pavlova base/meringue:

  • 180 g egg whites
  • 200 g white granulated sugar
  • 175 g icing sugar
  • 10 g cornstarch
  • 10 g apple cider vinegar
  • 5 g rose water
  • 2 g pink pepper (slightly crushed)

Vanilla chantily:

  • 380 g heavy cream
  • 2 g gelatin + 12g water
  • 115 g white chocolate


  • 1 large pink grapefruit (cut into segments)
  • Pink pepper


Pavlova base/meringue:

  • Start whipping the egg whites until foamy.
  • Add the white granulated sugar gradually, whipping on medium speed until all the sugar has dissolved and the meringue is stiff.
  • Fold in the icing sugar in two batches, mixing carefully to preserve the air incorporated.
  • Once the sugar is all in, add the vinegar, rose water, cornstarch and pink pepper and mix.
  • Spoon the meringue on a tray lined with a silicone mat and bake in the preheated oven at 100C for 2 hours. The cooking temperature however, depends on the oven. Try a temperature between 90C and 110C. Also, I prefer to cook it slightly longer (which means to dry it more) because this way it holds the cream better.
  • Once done, cool down and use as soon as possible.

Vanilla chantilly:

  • Bloom the gelatin.
  • Heat up the cream with the vanilla seeds and pod.
  • Strain over the chocolate and gelatin in a jug and blend well.
  • Wrap with plastic and keep in the fridge for at least 4 hours to allow to cool down completely.

To assemble:

  • Whip the chantilly until medium peaks form.
  • Spoon the chantilly over the meringue. If you want the Pavlova to hold more, brush the meringue with melted white chocolate before adding the chantilly.
  • Top with grapefruit segments and a touch of pink pepper.
  • Serve right away.
  • Enjoy!
Keyword Citrus fruits, Fruits, Grapefruit, Meringue
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
pink pepper grapefruit pavlova
pavlova cu grapefruit si piper roz

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  1. Buna,Olguta! Referitor la incorporarea zaharului pudra in bezea, acest pas se face tot cu mixerul sau se foloseste o spatula? Multumesc!

  2. Draga Olguta,

    Va rog din suflet daca aveti timp sa ma ajutati. Deja a treia oara incerc sa coc aceasta pavlova si acelasi rezultat, imi curge, si sunt nevoita sa o arunc. Nu inteleg ce fac gresit 🙁
    Multumesc anticipat!

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