Fursecuri cu alune de padure
Se apropie Craciunul cu pasi repezi si incepe sezonul fursecurilor asa ca astazi va propun niste fursecuri fragede, aromate, in genul cornuletelor cu rahat sau nuca, micute si tare simpatice. Forma lor ma duce cu gandul la mielusei si cred ca asta le face si mai simpatice. Reteta e si ea una putin neobisnuita in sensul ca foloseste galbenus fiert tare, insa veti obtine un aluat usor de lucrat si tare aromat, fraged si delicios. Daca nu va plac alunele de padure, le puteti inlocui cu miez de nuca, migdale sau chiar fistic.
Fursecuri cu alune de padure
- 100 g unt moale
- 100 g zahar alb granulat
- 2 galbenusuri fierte tari (date pe razatoarea fina)
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 100 g nuci de padure (pudra)
- 200 g faina alba 000
- 2 g praf de copt
- 1 g sare
- 1-2 linguri apa calduta
- Zahar pudra
- Mixati untul cu zaharul pana devine cremos.
- Adaugati galbenusurile si vanilia si mixati bine,
- Incorporati pudra de alune de padure, apoi adaugati faina, praful de copt si sarea si mixati pana aluatull devine nisipos.
- Adaugati 1-2 linguri apa calduta si framantati sa obtineti un aluat omogen, usor de lucrat.
- Framantati aluat doar pana se leaga apoi infainati bine masa de lucru.
- Luati bucati din aluat sin intindeti intr-un snur cu diametrul de 6-8mm. Taiati snurul in bucati de 8-10cm. Luati fiecare bucata si taiati-o in mutate 3/4 pe lungime. Ideea e sa obtineti doua parti de aluat unite la un capat. Rulati fiecare particica de aluat inspre inapoi pentru a obtine forma fursecurilor. Urmariti imaginea de mai sus pentru instructiuni.
- Daca doriti, puteti rula stafide sau chiar bucati de rahat turcesc in rulouri.
- Asezati fursecurile in tavi tapetate cu hartie de copt si coaceti la 180C pentru 15-20minute sau pana devin usor aurii.
- Cand sunt gata, scoateti tava din cuptor si transferati fursecurile intr-un bol cu zahar pudra. Rulati fursecurile prin zahar pentru a le acoperi bine.
- Lasati-le sa se raceasca inainte de a servi.
Christmas is coming and I’m already looking for recipes that can be made ahead of time and stored in cookie jars. And these hazelnut cookies are just that kind – they get even better in time as they become tender and the hazelnut flavor intensifies. I found the recipe long time ago on a Russian cooking forum I think and I wrote it in my notebook as they looked so interesting. The look of these cookies was the first thing that caught my attention – actually they were called Lamb cookies if I were to translate from Russian to English and that’s because they do make you think of tiny lambs. But that only makes them cuter, don’t you think?!
Hazelnut Cookies
- 100 g butter (softened)
- 100 g white granulated sugar
- 2 hard-boiled egg yolks
- 3 g vanilla extract
- 100 g hazelnut powder
- 200 g all-purpose white flour
- 2 g baking powder
- 1 g salt
- 1-2 tablespoons warm water
- Pre-heat your oven to 350F – 180C and line 2 baking sheets with baking paper.
- Combine the butter with sugar in a bowl and mix until creamy and light.
- Stir in the egg yolks (for fine crumbs, grate them through a fine grater) and mix until well combined.
- Add the hazelnut meal and stir in the flour, baking powder and salt and mix until sandy.
- Add 1-2 tablespoons of warm water, just until the dough comes together.
- Slightly knead the dough then place it on a floured working surface.
- Cut the dough into smaller pieces then roll each piece into one thin stick with 6-8mm diameter.
- Cut the long stick into 8-10cm sticks then take each piece of dough and cut in half lengthwise, but only ¾ way through. You will get two thinner parts of dough. Take each part and roll it backwards to form 2 small rolls.
- Watch the pictures below to better understand the procedure.
- If you want, you can add raisins or pices of turkish delight in the center of each roll, like in the picture below.
- Place the cookies on your baking sheets and cook for 15-17 minutes until slightly golden brown.
- Remove the cookies from the oven and while still hot, roll them through powdered sugar.
- Let them cool before serving.
Excelente, imi plac nespus de mult! Eu ador biscuitii de orice fel, cred ca ar fi pe placul meu si fursecurile tale.
Cred ca da, Any. Sunt fragede, cam ca vanillekipferl ori cornuletele cu nuca. Mie mi-a placut forma si de aceea le-am facut, dar cred ca merge si un alt aluat de fursecuri fragede.