Chec cu alune de padure

Mergi direct la reteta Chec cu alune de padure

Prajiturile mele se ghideaza dupa un principiu destul de important sau mai bine zis dupa o textura: cremos. Imi place ca prajiturile sa se topeasca in gura, sa-mi invaluie papilele gustative, sa simt onctuozitatea. Probabil de aceea in ultimul timp rareori am mai facut ceva care sa nu includa si o crema. Asa ca mi-am luat 1 zi in care tot ce am facut a fost sa coc checuri. Da, checuri, ati cititi bine! 4 retete diferite de checuri in dorinta de a si incerca cateva retete care imi faceau cu ochiul, dar mai ales de a mai invata ceva.

hazelnut loaf cake

Aceasta reteta a fost preferata piciului meu, motiv pentru care am hotarat sa ajunga si pe blog. Plus ca e si o reteta extrem de usor de facut si foloseste albusuri pe care toti le avem mai mereu prin congelator, ramase de la alte prajituri. As pune treaba asta la categoria de „mare plus” caci in afara de Pavlova, ramasesem in pana de idei pentru aceste albusuri pe care le tot colectez in congelator.

Chec cu alune de padure

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Unt caramelizat si alune de padure intr-un desert super parfumat si umed!
Rezultat –1 chec
Dimensiuni: 20 x 9cm rectangle


  • 225 g zahar pudra
  • 65 g faina alba 000
  • 25 g cacao (cernuta)
  • 3 g praf de copt
  • 1 g sare
  • 80 g pudra de alune de padure
  • 125 g unt caramelizat*
  • 25 g miere
  • 310 g albusuri (temperatura camerei)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
Makes: 20 x 9cm rectangle


  • Combinati zaharul pudra, faina alba, cacaoa, praful de copt, sarea si alunele de padure intr-un bol.
  • Adaugati untul caramelizat, mierea, albusurile si vanilia si amestecati scurt pana la omogenizare.
  • Acoperiti bolul cu folie alimentara si dati la rece 1 ora.
  • Turnati aluatul intr-o forma de chec de aprox 20cm lungime, tapetata cu hartie de copt, si coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 170C pentru 40-50 minute sau pana trece testul scobitorii.
  • Lasati la racit in tava.


*Untul caramelizat se realizeaza prin topirea untului apoi prajirea lui pana capata o nuanta aurie si o aroma de alune de padure. Se mai numeste si beurre noisette.
Keyword Alune de padure, Chec, Unt
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


I gotta admit that my work as a pastry chef revolves around one word: creaminess. I do love this particular texture for the way it melts in your mouth, for the way it allows flavors to explode on your taste buds, for how it makes you crave more! From time to time though I bake a loaf cake, just to remind myself that pastry is so diverse and the fact that I like a certain texture more than other doesn’t diminish other textures’ qualities. A loaf cake is great with a cup of tea or coffee, a mug of warm milk or just like that as a little snack in between meals. A loaf cake can be stored for much longer and is just as versatile as any other dessert!

hazelnut loaf cake

This particular recipe is simple, quick to make and delicious! The flavor of hazelnuts is delicate and the cake itself is super moist and fragrant! It’s one recipe that I really wanted to include on my blog for its ease of making and great result! But the most important part is that this hazelnut loaf cake uses leftover egg whites and only whites. Isn’t that a big plus?! No idea about you, but lately, other than Pavlova, I was completely out of ideas for what to turn those whites into. So there you have it, a second dessert to whip up from leftovers!

Hazelnut Loaf Cake

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Hazelnut and beurre noisette combine perfectly in this fragrant loaf cake!
Rezultat –1 loaf
Dimensiuni: 20 x 9cm rectangle


  • 225 g icing sugar
  • 65 g all-purpose white flour
  • 25 g cocoa powder
  • 3 g baking powder
  • 1 g salt
  • 80 g hazelnut flour
  • 125 g brown butter
  • 25 g honey
  • 310 g egg whites
  • 5 g vanilla extract
Makes: 20 x 9cm rectangle


  • Combine the icing sugar, flour, cocoa powder, baking powder, salt and hazelnut flour in a bowl.
  • Add the honey, egg whites and vanilla and give it a quick mix just until combined.
  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for 1 hour.
  • Pour the batter in a 20cm loaf cake pan lined with baking paper.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 330F for 40-50 minutes or until it passes the toothpick test.
  • Allow to cool down in the pan before serving.
Keyword Butter, Hazelnuts
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
hazelnut loaf cake
hazelnut loaf cake

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