Chec cu dovleac
E toamna din nou, incredibil! Timpul fuge parca prea repede cateodata! Incerc sa nu ma gandesc la asta prea mult, fug in bucatarie, aprind cuptorul si scot artileria grea: scortisoara, ghimbir, cardamom si esente tari de dovleac, mere sau pere. Si functioneaza! Nici nu mai observ copacii complet goi ori frunzele ingalbenite, ma cufund in canapea cu o cana de lapte si o felie de chec cu dovleac si macar pentru un timp lumea sta in loc!
Reteta de azi este o adaptare dupa Michel Suas, acelasi om care mi-a deschis ochii cu cel mai bun chec cu banane pe care l-am facut vreodata! Aveam asteptari mari si mi-au fost indeplinite 100%. Crusta aromata, miez pufos si umed, culoare intensa – toate punctele au fost atinse asa ca trec acest chec la categoria succese!
Inainte de a va apuca de treaba insa, alegeti din piata un dovleac placintar frumos si coaceti-l in cuptor pana pulpa devine aromata si intens colorata. Transformati-l apoi in piure si abia apoi faceti acest chec!
Chec cu dovleac
- 220 g zahar alb granulat
- 180 g unt 82% grasime (temperatura camerei)
- 65 g oua intregi
- 185 g piure de dovleac
- 200 g faina alba 000
- 2 g bicarbonat de sodiu
- 2 g praf de copt
- 1 g sare
- 1 g scortisoara
- 1 g ghimbir macinat
- 1 g cardamom macinat
- Cateva bucati de miez de nuca
- Preincalziti cuptorul la 180°C si tapetati o forma de chec (aprox 18x8cm) cu hartie de copt.
- Cerneti faina cu praful de copt, bicarbonatul, sarea si condimentele.
- Amestecati piureul de dovleac cu oul.
- COmbinati untul si zaharul si mixati 4-5 minute pana devin deschise la culoare, pufoase.
- Adaugati treptat piureul de dovleac, amestecand bine.
- Incorporati faina – veti obtine un aluat destul de dens, in functie si de umiditatea din piureul de dovleac.
- Puneti aluatul in tava de chec pregatita si acoperiti cu cateva bucati de miez de nuca.
- Coaceti la 180°C pentru 30 minute, apoi scadeti temperatura la 170℃ pentru inca 10 minute.
- Lasati sa se raceasca in tava inainte de a felia.
The fragrance of freshly baked pumpkin with a touch of cinnamon is the staple aroma of autumn! And it just happens that I baked this loaf cake as the season has fully taken charge of nature. The cold mornings already smell like winter and the leaves are so pale that I expect it to snow any minute now. I’m not a huge fan of this time of the year, although I admit it has its charm. So I surround myself with pumpkin, pears, apples, cinnamon, ginger and notes of cardamom. Turning the oven on is my shield against the cold that starts to creep in our houses, against the thousand layers of clothes we need to wear, against the cold breath of air in the morning. This and mulled wine, of course!
This recipe has been adapted after Michel Suas and it couldn’t be better! After making the best banana bread ever following his guidelines, I really had high expectations from this cake and it delivered everything I ever wanted from a pumpkin loaf cake! Moisture, fragrance, deep color, texture – everything’s there! Enough to say that I am impressed by this pumpkin loaf cake!
It’s a simple recipe, but the key is to buy the best pumpkin you can get your hands on and bake it right away then mash it into a silky, vibrant pumpkin puree. You can go a bit further and do as my grandmother used to: sprinkle some sugar and cinnamon over the slices of fresh pumpkin then bake and eat with a teaspoon straight from the pan. How’s that for a treat?!
Pumpkin Loaf Cake
- 220 g white granulated sugar
- 180 g butter (softened)
- 65 g whole eggs
- 185 g pumpkin puree
- 200 g all-purpose white flour
- 2 g baking soda
- 2 g baking powder
- 1 g salt
- 1 g cinnamon powder
- 1 g ground ginger
- 1 g ground cardamom
- Walnuts to top the cake
- Preheat your oven to 350°F and line a small loaf cake (about 18x8cm) with baking paper. Place the pan aside.
- Mix the pumpkin puree with the eggs.
- Sift the flour with baking soda, baking powder, salt and spices.
- Combine the sugar and butter and mix for 4-5 minutes until creamy and light.
- Add the pumpkin puree, spoon by spoon, mixing well after each addition.
- Spoon the batter into the prepared pan.
- Top the cake with a few pieces of walnuts then bake in the preheated oven for 30 minutes. Lower the temperature to 335°F and bake 10 more minutes.
- Alow to cool in the pan before slicing and serving.
In the method of making the cake I couldn’t understand when to put in the flour and do one alternate the flour with eggs and pumpkin mixture?
Also 2 g of baking powder and soda would be how much in teaspoon measure?
My weighing scale doesn’t catch such tiny amounts correctly.