Muffins cu pere si scortisoara
Eu am tendinta sa evit muffins pentru ca, hai sa fim seriosi, exista variante mult mai rafinate decat o mini prajitura indesata cu bucati de fructe. Dar piciul meu a inceput scoala si ma tot gandesc ce sa-i pun in pachetel – un sandvis, o cub de branza, un fruct sau un muffin sunt doar cateva dintre variantele gasite pana acum. Voi ce le mai puneti celor mici in pachetelul de scoala?
Muffins cu pere si scortisoara
- 160 g zahar alb granulat
- 1 ou
- 80 g ulei vegetal neutru
- 200 g lapte batut
- 250 g faina alba 000
- 4 g bicarbonat de sodiu
- 2 g sare
- 1 g scortisoara
- 0.5 g ghimbir
- 0.2 g pudra five-spice (optional)
- 2 pere bine coapte + 2 linguri faina alba
- Pre-incalziti cuptorul la 180°C si tapetati o tava de muffins (12 cupe) cu hartiute de muffins.
- Cerneti faina cu bicarbonatul, sarea, scortisoara, ghimbirul si five-spice.
- Curatati perele de coaja si taiati-le in cuburi mici. Pudrati cu faina si dati deoparte.
- Mixati zaharul cu oul si uleiul (nu e nevoie de mixer, cu telul e suficient) doar pana obtineti o compozitie groasa, albicioasa. Adaugati laptele batut si amestecati bine.
- Incorporati usor amestecul de faina si condimente apoi adaugati perele si amestecati usor cu o spatula.
- Puneti cu o lingura aluatul in formele pregatite mai devreme si coaceti 15-20 minute pana prajiturile sunt aurii si bine crescute si trec testul scobitorii.
- Lasati sa se raceasca in tava.
- Sa aveti pofta!
Prior to these spiced pear muffins (and my most reliable recipe ever – blueberry muffins), I thought muffins rarely deserve to be baked not because they weren’t delicious, but because there are other baked goodies out there that taste much better. But then my little man started school and I realized muffins are my best bet for school snacks because I can add all sort of healthy things to the batter and my son won’t notice (or maybe he’ll be too hungry to care 😛 ). Plus, I always end up with a few fruits that no one would eat anymore. I wasn’t gonna throw away these ripe, juicy pears, right?! Instead, I mixed them up in a batch of these soft, moist, fragrant muffins.. which I made 2 more times ever since in various other fruit combos: pears and peaches and plum and apples. And they were delicious every single time! I think rolled oats, chocolate chips, dried fruits or coconut can be added to the batter as well. The sky is the limit!
Spiced pear muffins
- 160 g white granulated sugar
- 1 egg
- 80 ml vegetable oil (canola or sunflower)
- 200 g buttermilk
- 250 g all-purpose white flour
- 4 g baking soda
- 2 g salt
- 1 g cinnamon powder
- 0.5 g ground ginger
- 0.2 g five-spice powder
- 2 ripe pears + 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour
- Pre-heat your oven to 350F and line 12 muffin cups with paper muffin cases.
- Peel the pears and dice them. Sprinkle them with flour to absorb the juices – this prevents them from sinking to the bottom of the muffins as well.
- Mix the sugar, oil and egg in bowl with a whisk until thick and pale.
- Stir in the buttermilk and mix well.
- Sift the flour, baking soda, salt, cinnamon, ginger and five-spice powder in a bowl then incorporate this mix into the batter. Don’t over mix, the batter doesn’t need to be extra smooth, just incorporated.
- Fold in the pears then spoon the batter into each muffin cup.
- Bake for 15-20 minutes until the muffins pass the toothpick test and are well risen and golden brown.
- Allow to cool in the pan before serving.
Nu stiu voi, dar la mine mereu raman 2-3 fructe de care nu se mai atinge nimeni si mi se strange inima cand ma gandesc ca in scurt timp va trebui sa le arunc. Asa ca incerc sa le folosesc in retete care sa le puna in valoare aroma intensa de fruct bine copt. Muffins sunt o varianta super tocmai pentru ca sunt rapide, usor de facut, nu necesita cine stie ce ingrediente speciale si mai si poti adauga tot felul de chestii sanatoase, precum fulgi de nuca de cocos, fructe uscate, nuci, fulgi de ovaz sau le poti transforma intr-un snack/desert usor decadent adaugand ciocolata sau Nutella.