Tarte cu ciocolata si zmeura

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tarte cu ciocolata si zmeura

Nu stiu voi, dar ritualul meu zilnic intotdeauna include mersul la piata. Nu e de ratat, mai ales acum cand gasim atatea ingrediente proaspete, care mai de care mai colorate, parfumate, delicioase si sanatoase. In plus, zgomotul pietei dimineata e sublim, varietatea de produse e maginifica si mereu plec de acolo cu bateriile incarcate si sacosele pline cu una, alta. Azi a fost cu levantica si zmeura. Cand am vazut buchetele de leventica a fost dragoste la prima vedere. Movul intens, aroma care acapara intreaga piata si toate gandurile care ma napadeau m-au impins sa cumpar un snop de leventica.

chocolate raspberry tartlets

Planificasem aceste tarte de mult timp, dar uite ca socoteala de acasa nu se potriveste cu cea din targ asa ca din momentul in care am cumparat leventica am stiut ca ele vor avea o aroma extra. Insa una subtila pentru ca leventica folosita in exces da un gust de sapun ori cel putin mie asa mi se pare, motiv pentru care mereu o folosesc in cantitati limitate si mereu in diverse combinatii. Le-am decorat simplu cu zmeura proaspata din belsug. Sincer, nici nu au nevoie de mai mult!

Tarte cu ciocolata si zmeura

Aceste mini tarte cu ciocolata si zmeura sunt atat de delicate ca aspect! Gustul insa este wow! Combinatia de ciocolata si zmeura este perfecta, iar adaosul de levantica este tare interesant.
Rezultat –10 tarte


Aluat fraged:

  • 140 g unt (temperatura camerei)
  • 70 g zahar pudra
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 1 ou
  • 300 g faina alba 000
  • 1 g sare
  • 0.5 g de copt

Jeleu de zmeura:

  • 200 g zmeura proaspata (puree)
  • 60 g zahar alb granulat
  • 5 g zeama de lamaie
  • 4 g gelatina
  • 40 g apa rece

Ganache de ciocolata alba si leventica:

  • 100 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 1 lingurita leventica culinara uscata
  • 180 g ciocolata alba (tocata)
  • 2 linguri unt

Mousse de ciocolata:

  • 100 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 120 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
  • 5 g extract de vanilie
  • 0.5 g sare
  • 1 praf de piper roz macinat
  • 200 g smantana pentru frisca
  • 2 linguri zahar pudra

Zmeura proaspata pentru decor


Aluat fraged:

  • Mixati untul si zaharul pentru 2 minute pana devin cremoase.
  • Adaugati vanilia si oul si mixati bine.
  • Incorporati faina, sarea si praful de copt si framantati aluatul doar pana ii dati forma unei bile. Infasurati in folie si dati la rece pentru 30 minute.
  • Intindeti aluatul intr-o foaie subtire, ajutandu-va de faina pe blatul de lucru. O foaie de 3-4 mm grosime e suficient.
  • Taiati cercuri din aluat si puneti-le in formele de mini tarte. Tapetati formele bine si inlaturati excesul de aluat.
  • Faceti cateva gauri in partea de jos a crustelor folosind o furculita pentru a impiedica formarea buzunarelor de aer apoi coaceti la 180C pentru 10-15 minute pana devin aurii pe margine.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca in forme.

Jeleu de zmeura:

  • Treceti piureul printr-o sita fina apoi turnati-l intr-un vas.
  • Adaugati zaharul si sucul de lamaie si dati in clocot. Fierbeti doar pana cand zaharul se dizolva complet.
  • Hidratati gelatina in apa rece pentru 10 minute apoi topiti-o si amestecati-o cu piureul de zmeura.
  • Lasati sa se raceasca la temperatura camerei apoi turnati jeleu in crustele coapte si dati la rece.

Ganache de ciocolata alba si leventica:

  • Infierbantati frisca lichida pe foc mic fara a o da in clocot. Luati de pe foc si adaugati leventica. Lasati sa infuzeze pana se raceste apoi strecurati.
  • Puneti frisca inapoi pe foc si infierbantati. Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata.
  • Amestecati cu un tel pana ciocolata se topeste complet apoi incorporati untul.
  • Lasati ganache-ul sa se raceasca apoi turnati-l in crustele de tarta, peste jeleu. Dati din nou la rece.

Mousse de ciocolata:

  • Infierbantati 100g frisca fara a o da in clocot. Luati de pe foc si adaugati ciocolata.
  • Amestecati pana la topirea completa apoi adaugati un praf de sare si piper roz proaspat macinat. Un praf de piper e suficient, se va simti in gustul mousse-ului.
  • Adaugati vanilia si lasati amestecul sa vina la temperatura camerei.
  • Bateti frisca ramasa cu zaharul apoi incorporati-o in mixul de ciocolata.
  • Impartiti mousse-ul in mod egal intre tarte si dati la rece cateva ore.
  • Decorati cu zmeura proaspata.
Keyword Ciocolata, Ciocolata neagra, Zmeura
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


My morning walk always, but always, includes a market run. The vibe of the busy market excites me, there’s always something to catch my attention, there’s always fresh produce available and I never leave empty handed from there. This time it was lavender, beautiful fresh and highly fragrant lavender which I bought without thinking twice. It proudly sits on my desk at the moment, making me think about Provence every time I take a look at it or feel its intense aroma and see its beautiful color. This market run also included fresh raspberries and fresh heavy cream from a local producer, the kind of cream that whips into fluffy clouds and tastes amazing.

chocolate raspberry tartlets

I thought for a while how to use the lavender, how to incorporate it into a dessert and I came up with these chocolate raspberry tartlets, hiding its aroma in a thin layer of white chocolate ganache. Lavender is not the star of this dessert, but it surely supports it well. The star is the chocolate, no doubt about that, but it wouldn’t be as tasty if it didn’t have a lavender touch and fresh raspberries to make it shine into a delicious, elegant dessert.

Chocolate Raspberry Tartlets

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
Rezultat –12 tartlets



  • 140 g butter (softened)
  • 70 g powdered sugar
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 300 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 pinch baking powder

Raspberry Jelee:

  • 200 g fresh raspberries (pureed)
  • 60 g sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon lemon juice
  • 4 g gelatin
  • 40 ml cold water

Lavender White Chocolate Ganache:

  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 1 teaspoon culinary lavender buds
  • 180 g white chocolate
  • 2 tablespoons butter

Chocolate mousse:

  • 100 ml heavy cream
  • 120 g dark chocolate (chopped)
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 200 ml heavy cream
  • 2 tablespoons powdered sugar
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 pinch ground pink pepper (preferably freshly ground)
  • Fresh raspberries to decorate



  • Combine the butter and sugar in a bowl and mix until creamy for 2 minutes.
  • Add the vanilla and egg and mix well.
  • Stir in the flour, salt and baking powder and knead just to bring the dough together into a ball.
  • Wrap in plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  • Transfer the dough on a floured working surface and roll it into a thin sheet, about 3-4mm thickness. Cut the dough into rounds that are big enough to fit your tartlet pans. Press the dough on the bottom and sides of the pans and remove the excess of dough.
  • With a fork, score the bottom of each tartlet a few times to prevent air pockets from forming and bake in the preheated oven at 350F for 10 minutes until golden brown on the edges.
  • Allow the crusts to cool in the pan before removing them.

Raspberry Jelee:

  • Pass the raspberry puree through a fine sieve and pour it in a saucepan.
  • Add the sugar and lemon juice and bring to a boil. Cook just until the sugar is dissolved.
  • Bloom the gelatin in cold water for 10 minutes then melt it and mix it with the raspberry puree.
  • Allow to cool to room temperature then evenly distribute it into each tartlet crust. A thin layer of jelee is enough. Place in the fridge.

Lavender White Chocolate Ganache:

  • Bring the cream to the boiling point in a saucepan. Don’t allow it to boil. Remove from heat and add the lavender. Allow to infuse until cooled then drain well.
  • Place the cream back on heat and bring it to the boiling point.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate. Mix until smooth then add the butter.
  • Place aside until cooled then spoon the ganache into each tartlet.
  • Place back in the fridge.

Chocolate mousse:

  • Bring the cream to the boiling point in a saucepan.
  • Remove from heat and stir in the chocolate and a pinch of salt. Mix until melted and smooth.
  • Add the vanilla and a pinch of pink pepper then allow to come to room temperature.
  • Whip the cream with powdered sugar until stiff then fold it into the chocolate mixture.
  • Spoon the mousse over the white chocolate ganache.
  • Allow to set in the fridge and decorate with fresh raspberries.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
tarte cu ciocolata si zmeura
tarte cu ciocolata si zmeura

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  1. Buna,
    Arata foarte bine tartele!Felicitari am incercat si eu cateva retete si chiar mi-au iesit1
    M-ar interesa cate tarte ti-au iesit?

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