Entremet cu fructul pasiunii
Fiecare tort pe care il fac porneste de la un plan bine gandit. Daca nu am o schita, o idee preliminara, inclusiv de decor, stiu ca nu va iesi ce trebuie. Sigur, improvizatia e buna si e important sa stii si cum sa te adaptezi din mers sau sa indrepti o greseala astfel incat sa fie reparata de-a dreptul, nu doar ascunsa. Dar cel mai bine e cand totul merge struna si rezultatul final e cel asteptat. In plus, realizarea planului initial e o operatiune care ma relaxeaza si imi permite ca mai apoi sa intervin asupra retetei si sa-mi iau notitele necesare. Daca nu as face asta, probabil multe dintre retetele de pe blog nu ar mai fi publicate.
Acest tort a pornit de la aroma inconfundabila a fructului pasiunii, precum si culoarea sa intensa. Gandindu-ma cam cu ce as putea combina acest fruct, am ajuns la concluzia ca varianta cea mai sigura pentru papilele gustative ale familiei erau aromele tropicale. Asa ca am adaugat pe lista nuca de cocos si lime, doua gusturi care mie personal imi plac foarte mult. Ce a iesit e un tort dulce-acrisor, incredibil de aromat, pe care mi l-am imaginat decorat foarte simplu si elegant, usor inspirata de stilul lui Antonio Bachour.
Elementele tortului cu fructul pasiunii si nuca de cocos sunt:
- dacquoise cu nuca de cocos
- strat crocant cu nuca de cocos
- cremeux de fructul pasiunii
- mousse de nuca de cocos
- ganache de ciocolata alba infuzat cu lime
- glazura oglinda
Entremet cu fructul pasiunii
Dacquoise cu nuca de cocos:
- 2 albusuri
- 30 g zahar alb granulat
- 0.5 g sare
- 2 g coaja de lime
- 30 g nuca de cocos
- 30 g faina de migdale
- 60 g zahar pudra (cernut)
Crocant cu nuca de cocos:
- 60 g ciocolata alba (topita)
- 15 g ulei vegetal neutru (floarea soarelui, samburi de struguri etc)
- 30 g pailette feuilletine
- 30 g nuca de cocos maruntita
Cremeux cu fructul pasiunii:
- 80 g suc de fructul pasiunii
- 2 g gelatina + 12g apa rece
- 50 g zahar alb granulat
- 2 galbenusuri
- 10 g amidon
- 60 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 5 g extract de vanilie
Mousse cu lapte de cocos:
- 1 conserva lapte de cocos – aproximativ 400g
- 10 g gelatina + 60g apa rece
- 2 albusuri
- 120 g zahar alb granulat
- 60 g apa
- 8 g extract de vanilie
- 150 g smantana entru frisca (spumata lejer)
Ganache de ciocolata alb cu lime:
- 80 g smantana pentru frisca
- 2 g coaja de lime
- 1 g gelatina + 6g apa rece
- 110 g ciocolata alba
Glazura oglinda:
- 75 g apa
- 150 g zahar alb granulat
- 150 g glucoza lichida
- 12 g gelatina + 72g apa rece
- 100 g lapte condensat
- 150 g ciocolata alba
- 15 g ulei vegetal
- Colorant portocaliu
Dacquoise cu nuca de cocos:
- Combinati nuca de cocos, faina de migdale si zaharul intr-un bol.
- In alt bol, mixati albusurile cu un praf de sare pana devin pufoase. Adaugati zaharul si coaja de lime si mixati pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa.
- Incorporate amestecul de nuca de cocos apoi puneti aluatul intr-un pos si formati un cerc de 20cm Ø pe o foaie de hartie de copt.
- Coaceti in cuptorul preincalzit la 180°C pentru 15-18 minute pana devine auriu si usor crocant.
- Lasati deoparte sa se raceasca.
Crocant de nuca de cocos:
- Combinati ciocolata topita cu celelalte ingredient intr-un bol.
- Puneti amestecul intr-un cerc de tort de 18cm Ø si presati-l bine. Dati la congelator pana il veti folosi.
Cremeux de fructul pasiunii:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Aduceti sucul de fructul pasiunii la punctual de fierbere intr-un vas.
- Intre timp, mixati galbenusurile su zaharul pana devin deschise la culoare. Adaugati amidonul si amestecati bine.
- Turnati sucul de fructul pasiunii peste galbenusuri apoi puneti inapoi pe foc si gatiti pe foc mic pana se ingroase.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina.
- Lasati sa se raceasca la 40°C apoi incorporati untul.
- Turnati cremeux intr-un cerc de tort de 18cm diametru si dati la congelator.
Mousse cu lapte de cocos:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti laptele de cocos doar pana se incalzeste usor apoi adaugati gelatina si vanilia.
- Lasati laptele sa se racoreasca. Cand acesta a ajuns la temperature camerei, faceti o bezea italiana din cele doua albusuri astfel: combinati zaharul si apa intr-un vas si puneti pe foc. Fierbeti pana atinge 118°C. Intre timp, mixati albusurile pana devin spuma. Turnati siropul fierbinte in fir subtire peste albusuri, mixand continuu pana obtineti o bezea ferma si lucioasa.
- Pentru a finisa mousse-ul, incorporati smantana batuta in laptele de cocos, apoi adaugati bezeaua.
Ganache infuzat cu lime:
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Incalziti smantana pana devine fierbinte. Luati de pe foc si adaugati coaja de lime. Lasati sa infuzeze pentru 10 minute apoi strecurati printr-o sita fina.
- Reincalziti smantana pana la punctual de fierbere apoi adaugati ciocolata alba.
- Amestecati pana la omogenizare apoi adaugati gelatina.
Glazura oglinda (adaptare dupa o reteta a lui Antonio Bachour):
- Hidratati gelatina in apa rece.
- Combinati apa, glucoza si zaharul intr-un vas si puneti pe foc. Aduceti amestecul la 103°C.
- Luati de pe foc si adaugati gelatina apoi adaugati laptele condensate.
- Turnati acest amestec peste ciocolata alba si dati deoparte pentru 5 minute.
- Amestecati usor cu o spatula pana la omogenizare. Nu folositi un tel pentru ca acesta va incorpora bule de aer si nu ne dorim asta! Tot acum adaugati si uleiul si colorantul alimentar si amestecati pana la omogenizare.
- Lasati glazura sa se raceasca la 35-40°C inainte de a o folosi.
Pentru a asambla tortul:
- Puneti blatul dacquoise intr-un inel de tort de 20cmØ, tapetat cu folie de acetat.
- Turnati 1/3 din mousse-ul cu lapte de cocos peste blat si puneti tortul in congelator pentru 15 minute.
- Scoateti din congelator atat tortul, cat si cremeux plus crocantul cu nuca de cocos.
- Asezati cremeux si crocantul peste mousse-ul deja turnat, apoi acoperiti cu restul de mousse.
- Puneti tortul la congelator cateva ore, apoi scoateti si turnati deasupra ganache-ul. Dati din nou la congelator, preferabil peste noapte.
- Scoateti tortul din congelator si inlaturati inelul+folia de acetat.
- Asezati tortul pe un support (cana, gratar), apoi turnati cu grija glazura, avand grija sa-l acoperiti uniform.
- Decorati dupa preferinta!
I’ve developed an obsession (or maybe better said passion) for tropical flavors lately. Kalamansi, lime, coconut, passion fruit, pineapple or mango, they’re all on my list of ingredients that simply can’t go out of stock in my kitchen these days. It must be their delicate aroma, their color and their texture that keeps me hooked up. But a change in tastes is more than welcomed,I’m not complaining! Sure, chocolate it’s fun, but how much chocolate can one have?! (let’s be serious though, it’s chocolate we’re talking about!)
So this cake was born after buying too many passion fruits – I love their flavor, but too much passion fruit in the wrong mix can be slightly overwhelming. So I needed something to tame the passion fruit down – and the best (and safest at the end of the day) choice was to go with fruits and tastes that belong to the same category. So coconut and lime felt like the most suitable option – and boy, it was one of the best flavor combos I made lately. No wonder this coconut passion fruit entremet is so vibrant and delicious, it melts in your mouth, bursting with flavor and making your taste buds sing! It’s a cake that brought a lot of joy, from the very first beaten egg to the last bite!
Each cake I make starts with a sketch and a well-thought plan. If any of these aren’t in place, I know for sure my final cake won’t be as I imagined it. And truth be told, if you don’t have a plan beforehand, the chance of something going wrong is huge. And I’m not one to take risks when it comes to baking. First of all because I have respect for my ingredients – good quality chocolate, natural cream and many others are amazing as they are, even more combined into one amazing cake, like this coconut passion fruit entremet. Second of all, because this routine is part of my discipline – I’m always trying to improve my skills, always trying to learn and absorb as much information as possible and this kind of plans seem to be working. Plus, having a written plan allows me to make a few changes and remember them later on or be able to go back and check them out if needed. Not to mention the fact that the whole situation and hand-writing is extremely relaxing for me, it allows me to organize my ideas and thoughts and calm myself down. Somehow therapeutic, apart from the baking and cake assembly itself that is!
Coconut Passion Fruit Entremet
Coconut dacquoise:
- 2 egg whites
- 30 g white granulated sugar
- 0.5 g salt
- 2 g lime zest
- 30 g shredded coconut
- 30 g almond flour
- 60 g icing sugar (sifted)
Coconut croustillant:
- 60 g white chocolate (melted)
- 15 gl vegetable oil
- 30 g pailette feuilletine
- 30 g shredded coconut
Passion fruit cremeux:
- 80 g passion fruit juice
- 2 g gelatin + 12g cold water
- 50 g white granulated sugar
- 2 egg yolks
- 10 g cornstarch
- 60 g butter (softened)
- 5 g vanilla extract
Coconut mousse:
- 1 can coconut milk – approx 400g
- 10 g gelatin + 60g cold water
- 2 egg whites
- 120 g white granulated sugar
- 60 g water
- 8 g vanilla extract
- 150 g heavy cream (whipped to soft peaks)
Lime infused white chocolate ganache:
- 80 g heavy cream
- 2 g lime zest
- 1 g gelatin + 6g cold water
- 110 g white chocolate
Mirror glaze:
- 75 g water
- 150 g white sugar
- 150 g liquid glucose
- 12 g gelatin + 60ml cold water
- 100 g sweetened condensed milk
- 150 g white chocolate
- 15 g vegetable oil
- Orange food coloring
Coconut dacquoise:
- Mix the shredded coconut, almond flour and sugar in a bowl.
- In another bowl, mix the egg whites with a pinch of salt until stiff. Add the sugar and lime zest and continue mixing until fluffy and glossy.
- Fold in the coconut mixture then spoon the batter in a pastry bag and pipe a small circle on a baking tray lined with parchment paper (20cm diameter).
- Bake in the preheated oven at 350°F – 180°C for 15-18 minutes or until golden brown and crusty.
- Place aside to cool down.
Coconut croustillant:
- Combin the melted chocolate with the rest of the ingredients.
- Spoon the mixture into an 18cm diameter cake ring and place in the freezer to set.
Passion fruit cremeux:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Bring the passion fruit juice to the boiling point in a saucepan.
- In the meantime, mix the egg yolks with sugar until pale. Add the cornstarch and mix well.
- Pour the hot passion fruit puree over the egg yolk mixture then return back on heat and cook on low just until thickened and it reaches 82°C.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin.
- Allow to cool down to 40°C then add the butter and mix well.
- Pour the cremeux into an 18cm diameter cake ring and freeze for a few hours.
Coconut mousse:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat up the milk just until warm then remove from heat and stir in the gelatin and vanilla.
- When the milk is at room temperature, start making the meringue by boiling the sugar and water in a saucepan until it reached 118°C.
- While the sugar syrup cooks, whip the whites until fluffy.
- Pour the hot syrup over the whipped whites and continue mixing for a few more minutes until glossy and stiff.
- To finish the mousse, fold the whipped cream into the coconut milk mixture then add the meringue.
Lime infused white chocolate ganache:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Heat the cream in a saucepan until the boiling point.
- Remove from heat and add the lime zest. Allow to infuse for 10 minutes then drain well.
- Heat the cream once more then pour it over the chocolate in a bowl.
- Mix well until smooth then add the melted gelatin.
Mirror glaze:
- Bloom the gelatin in cold water.
- Combine the water, sugar and glucose in a saucepan and bring them to 103°C.
- Remove from heat and stir in the gelatin then pour in the condensed milk.
- Pour this mixture over the white chocolate and allow to sit for 5 minutes.
- Mix well with a spatula just until smooth then add the oil and food coloring and mix the glaze with an immersion blender, making sure not to incorporate too much air – air bubbles in the glaze are annoying and they take away the beauty of the glaze.
- Allow the glaze to cool to 35-40°C before using.
To assemble the entremet:
- Place the coconut dacquoise in a cake ring lined with acetate sheets.
- Pour about 1/3 of the coconut mousse over the dacquoise and place the cake in the freezer for 15 minutes.
- Remove the cake from the freezer, together with the cremeux and the croustillant.
- Remove the cremeux and croustillant from their rings and place them over the coconut mousse.
- Pour the remaining mousse into the cake ring and freeze for 1 hour at least.
- After one hour the cake should look fairly set. Pour the final layer of ganache (it’s best to make the ganache before pouring it, but make sure it’s room temperature before using it).
- Freeze the cake for a few hours, preferably overnight.
- Remove the cake from its ring and place it on a cup or grill for glazing.
- Carefully and evenly pour the glaze over the cake and allow it to drip off for a few minutes.
- Transfer the cake on a platter and decorate as you wish.
That looks so beautiful and elegant ! Nice blog and fantastic pics, Thanks
Buna …tortul arata foarte bine,te urmaresc si pe facebook si voi incerca cat de curand retete pe care le postezi…am citit reteta de tort si am cateva nelamuriri..pt glazura ai folosit lapte condensat gros sau cel subtire?ce inseamna pailette feuiletine?cumva felii de migdale?merci…..
Lapte condensat gros.
Pailette sunt niste firimituri crocante de crepes Gavottes. Se mai gasesc si prin supermarketuri sub denumirea de crepes Gavottes. Daca nu, la http://www.desertonline.ro, la magazinul lor din Bucuresti.
Olguta,ce inseamna lapte condensat gros? Eu stiu ca exista lapte condensat (10% grasime) si acelasi lapte, dar indulcit (si e mai gros). De obicei cand se foloseste indulcit nu se mai adauga zahar. Mai exista si alt tip?
Si mai am 2 intrebari legate de glazura (dupa ce am citit modul de preparare); gelatina se adauga imediat dupa ce s-a oprit focul (adica la 103 grade) si in al 2 lea rand ce fel de colorant folosesti; gel sau pudra? Multumesc!
E cel indulcit, nu conteaza ca e dulce, are alt rol in glazura de fata, nu de a indulci. Pentru ca daca e sa ne luam dupa cat e de dulce si cate calorii are, mai bine nu o mai faci si mergi spre alta reteta.
Colorant gel sau pudra, le am pe amandoua in casa. La glazura asta insa, cel mai adesea pun gel pentru ca se omogenizeaza putin mai usor.
Da, gelatina se pune dupa ce s-a luat de pe foc – se lasa 1-2 minute sa-si dea duhul sa zic asa, apoi se adauga gelatina.
Spor la treaba! Tin pumnii sa-ti iasa bine 🙂
Se poate folosi si altceva in afara de pailette-ele astea? Adica se pot substitui cu altceva? Am gasit online, dar foarte scumpe si nu ma indur sa dau atatia bani pe ele.
Buna, in primul rând vreau sa te felicit pentru toate rețele spectaculoase care le postezi de fiecare data. Chiar am făcut multe dintre ele. Acum am ajuns la acest tort 🙂 voiam sa te întreb de unde iei glucoza lichida, eu nu reușesc sa găsesc nicăieri, folosesc sirop de glucoza pudra, dar nu mi se pare potrivit pentru glazuri.
O zi frumoasa!
Glucoza eu o cumpar de la http://www.desertonline.ro
This is amazing! Well done on the flavours it’s beautiful. I am so impressed by this!
Thank you, Angela!
This is seriously stunning! Every layer is perfect, the flavours are delicious and the mirror glaze is gorgeous 🙂
Thank you, Hannah! 🙂
Se poate inlocui laptele condensat cu smantana ?
Nu am incercat niciodata sa-l inlocuiesc. Dar as tinde sa cred ca nu – cele doua au consistente diferite, nu mai vorbesc de gust si alte proprietati de genul asta.
I have to thank you for your perfect instructions. This was my very first attempt at an entremet and it was the most beautiful and amazingly delicious creation I have ever made, I look forward to creating more divine entremets from your blog.
Noreen from Australia
I’m so happy it turned out great! Well done, congrats!
Very nice blog and recipes! 🙂 I was wondering can I glaze a frozen cake and put it back in the freezer? Will it still be shiny when I thaw it? Tnx 😉
Thank you, Sanja.
I have never done so and never heard it would be possible – losing the shine is not that important, I think the biggest problem it would be forming water drops on the glaze and even the glaze falling apart.
I put mine in the freezer till half hour before I wanted to serve it. Then I put it in the fridge. No loss of shine. I keep all my Entremets I make, in the freezer and we just chop off a peice each night lol. If you take it out of the freezer and leave it on the bench to thaw, you get little icicles all over it.
Buna. Tortul arata super, as dori sa il fac si eu dar am o mica nedumerire: dupa ce torn deasupra ganache-ul il pun in frigider sau in congelator (nu va ingheta?)
Multumesc frumos.
Pentru glazurare, tortul trebuie sa fie congelat.
Multumesc pentru raspuns. Tortul a fost delicios, toata lumea l-a savurat. Data viitoare o sa fiu mai atenta la glazura. Inca o data multumesc.?
Hi Olguta! May i know if the gelatin is in powdered form or sheet? Thank you!
Sorry for the late reply. I use powder gelatin most of the times.
What bloom of gelatin you used in mirror glaze please? Thank you!
I made it and the flavor was delicious! however the dacquoise and croustillant was still rock hard when served. I glazed the cake around 1pm and served the cake around 8pm.
The croustillant tends to be difficult to cut. Next time, try placing the croustillant over the dacquoise. The cake will support it better.
I did actually put the croustillant on the dacquoise and freeze them together as one, so it was easier for me to assemble the entremet. I am so curious because as i know and read, dacquoise freeze perfectly and can be served almost immidiately removed from the freezer. Hmm, Could it be it didn’t have enough time to thaw in the fridge for my case?
Thank you!!
Love this! How can I print the recipe?
There’s a print button on the recipe card, just under the picture.
Can I freeze the entremet after asembling for about 24 hours? Or is it too long? If I can, how much time (more less) does the cake need to be defrost after that time and be good to serve? 3 hours will be ok? I worry especially about the croustillant, and it’s hardness. Regards:)
This cake is amazing. I just done it for my birthday! And I just discovered you and your blog. Trebuie ne – a aparat sa ma înscriu la unul sau mai multe din workshop urile tale. Ești minunata!
Yes, you can freeze it for more than 24h. At least 3h before serving is ideal. This particular croustillant is slightly harder though, try adding 30-40g praline paste in it for a softer texture. Other than that, you should be fine. 🙂
HI- Is the shredded coconut sweentened coconut or unsweetened coconut?
Hello! I will be attempting to make your recipe (but in smaller, individual entremet mold forms) and was wondering about the Passion fruit cremeux. In the ingredients, you say to use passion fruit juice, but then in step 4 of the directions it says „Pour the hot passion fruit puree over the egg yolk mixture…” Do I use the juice only from the fruit (extracted from the pulp) or do I just puree the fruit in a blender and use all of it? Thank you!
Passion fruit juice or puree is the same things as the fruit doesn’t really have a pulp; it’s mostly juice and seeds which you needs to take out prior to using the juice.
I love these flavours. But I had a problem with the entremet. When I served it there was water leakage. Is it possibly from the mousse as the purée is quite liquid and nothing much to bind it. So maybe not freeze-thaw stable. Please advise.
Thank you
Hey! I’ve got a question. Would this recipe work with just a little bit of passion fruit juice added to it? Thanks!
It works with the full amount of passion fruit. But if you do want to reduce it, I would suggest replacing it with something else, such as mango puree or lemon or lime juice. You need the full amount of liquid for the recipe to have the right consistency.
Hello! Could you use store-bought passion fruit juice or would you recommend extracting it fresh from the fruit? Thanks
You can use store bought too, as long as it doesn’t have any sugar or flavorings added to it.
This is really detailed and a wonderful recipe. Multumesc frumos!
What kind of gelatine do you use?
Powder gelatin -220 bloom
Buna! Mulțumesc pentru rețete, arata și sunt geniale. Am ales sa fac acest tort pentru revelion si totul a părut ca merge struna si iese grozav. Cantitățile le-am respectat cu sfintenie si pașii. L-am glazurat si am zis sa il las pe balcon, ca sa se dezghețe inainte de a fi servit. A început sa iasa lichid din el, apoi a trebuit sa il transport, iar in masina a fost cald. La destinație era topit. 😭 Ma întreb cu ce am greșit, pare ca mouse-ul de cocos nu s-a inchegat bine, nu a mai avut textura bună. Am mai facut torturi cu mouse si e prima oara când pățesc. Ma gândesc ca fie e ceva legat de laptele de cocos sau ceva legat de bezeaua italiana (desi a iesit tare si lucioasa si am mai făcut mouse cu bezea italiana). Sau oare am pus gelatina într-un amestec prea fierbinte? (desi si gelatina am folosit de atâtea ori). As vrea sa îl refac peste o săptămână pentru ca mi se pare ca e un tort grozav, combinatia de arome este delicioasa, dar nu vreau sa repet ce am greșit. Mouse ul de cocos a fost mai lichid cand l-am turnat, asta e adevărat (poate am amestecat prea tare bezeaua?) Ce fel de lapte de cocos ai folosit? Oare sa folosesc doar partea solida din laptele de cocos de la conserva, sau sa incerc cu coconut cream? Restul elementelor au ieșit foarte bine.
Imi cer scuze pentru mesajul foarte lung.
Mulțumesc încă o data pentru rețetele geniale.
Multumesc pentru incredere!
Ar putea fi tipul de gelatina folosit. Ce brand ai folosit? Gelatina are anumite puteri de inchegare si daca a ta e diferita de a mea, clar rezultatul va fi diferit. Mai ales la un mousse atat de delicat ca acesta de cocos. De asemenea, gelatina era topita complet?
Mulțumesc mult pentru răspuns!
De obicei folosesc dr. Oetker, dar de această dată nu am găsit și am luat ceva no name romanesc din auchan (Colonial). Prima oara când am văzut-o pe rafturi, dar era singura.
S-a topit complet. Am lasat-o la hidratat, apoi am adăugat-o in amestecul de lapte de cocos încălzit. Nu s-au format cocoloașe.
Am sa iau dr. Oetker si am sa am mai multa grija la acest pas.
Iar ca și brand de lapte de cocos, ce as putea folosi pentru a merge la sigur?
Inseamna ca e de la gelatina. Probabil are o putere de inchegare mai mica.
Nu prea tin cont de brand la laptele de cocos sa fiu sincera.
Could you please tell what temperature should the glaze be before pouring it over the cake?
Mirror glazes should be between 34C and 40C when poured over an entremet, depending on how cold your cake is. The colder the cake, the higher the temperature can be and the other way around – if your freezer does not freeze too well, the glaze should be colder to set faster.