Mix pentru ciocolata calda

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hot chocolate mix

Iarna pentru mine inseamna ciocolata calda, ceai fierbinte, filme, tort si cuptorul care merge aproape zilnic. Urasc frigul si nici zapada nu pot spune ca ma incanta asa ca de obicei iarna e doar o simpla tranzitie spre primavara si nicidecum vreo bucurie pentru mine si probabil ca mine, multi altii. Insa iarna am ocazia sa fac bunatatea asta de mix pentru ciocolata calda asa ca trec cu vederea frigul de afara si ma duc sa-mi pragatesc o ceasca de ciocolata aburinda.

Mix pentru ciocolata calda


  • 100 g ciocolata neagra
  • 100 g cacao
  • 100 g zahar pudra
  • 50 g lapte praf
  • 40 g amidon alimentar
  • 1 praf de sare


  • Puneti ciocolata in frigider pentru 30 minute apoi transferati-o in vasul robotului de bucatarie si pulsati pana devine o pudra fina. Doar racind ciocolata inainte va asigurati ca nu se topeste in robot.
  • Adaugati restul ingredientelor si pulsati de 2-3 ori pana sunt bine amestecate.
  • Daca nu aveti robot de bucatarie, dati ciocolata pe razatoare si cerneti restul ingredientelor.
  • Pastrati mixul de ciocolata calda intr-un vas inchis ermetic sau borcan cu capac.
  • Pentru a pregati ciocolata calda, infierbantati o cana de lapte pe foc mic. Adaugati 1 1/2 – 2 linguri de mix si fierbeti pe foc mic pentru 2 minute, amestecand continuu pentru a nu se lipi de fundul vasului sau a da in foc.
  • Turnati in cana si beti calda/fierbinte.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


Winter in Romania is not as bad as in other parts of the world, but we still get -30C at night sometimes and -15C during the day. Luckily, this doesn’t happen often, the rest of the time the temperature is somewhere between -10C and 5C. But given the fact that I hate being cold and snow is not my best friend, winter to me feels like it takes forever. For that reason I’d do whatever it takes to go through winter the easiest possible way – and this includes drinking lots of chocolate, watching movies, eating cake abd plenty of therapy baking. Speaking of movies, have you seen the Oscars nomination? What’s your favorite? I have yet to see all the movies nominated, but I saw The Imitation Game last night and loved it.

But let’s head back to our recipe now as it deserves the spotlight. My inspiration was Jamie Oliver’s hot chocolate mix, with the mention that I adapted the recipe slightly. What I ended up with is the best chocolate mix I made so far (and I’ve tried quite a few since I’m a huge hot chocolate fan). The recipe’s highlight is the fact that, apart from cocoa powder, it also contains dark chocolate, grinded into a fine power and this adds an extra richness and smoothness to the final drink. The cornstarch makes the hot chocolate thick, but still pourable, although I’d say that if you dare to add a dash more cornstarch, it could easily turn into a hot chocolate sauce as it would thicken more.

Also, I’m sure you have noticed my new mug – it’s part of a personal project that I might reveal more about soon.

{Hot Chocolate Mix}

Olguta – Pastry Workshop


  • 100 g dark chocolate (60-70% cocoa)
  • 100 g cocoa powder
  • 100 g powdered sugar
  • 50 g powdered milk
  • 40 g cornstarch
  • 1 pinch salt


  • Place the chocolate in the fridge 30 minutes before making the mix. Break the chocolate into smaller pieces and transfer it in a food processor. Being cold ensures that the chocolate doesn’t melt during processing. Pulse until the chocolate is finely ground.
  • Add the remaining ingredients and pulse 2-3 times until well combined.
  • If you don’t have a food processor, grate the chocolate on a fine grater then sift the cocoa, cornstarch, powdered milk, sugar and salt in a bowl and stir in the grated chocolate.
  • Store the hot chocolate mix in an airtight container or in a sealed glass jar.

To prepare the hot chocolate:

  • Bring 1 cup of milk to a boil in a small saucepan.
  • Stir in 1 1/2 – 2 tablespoons of hot chocolate mix and stir well with a whisk for 1-2 minutes over low heat until it thickens.
  • Pour into a mug and serve hot.


Optional: add ground cinnamon, cardamom, star anise or ginger into the hot chocolate mix for a spiced version.
Serve the prepared hot chocolate topped with mini-marshmallows, chocolate shavings or a dollop of whipped cream.
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
hot chocolate mix

mix pentru ciocolata calda

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