Fursecuri umplute cu unt de arahide
I love this time of the year when it’s warm enough to rock my spring clothes to the market and buy the freshest ingredients available. The morning sun is incredibly inspiring, I can’t believe how much I missed the sunshine during the winter when we literally had weeks of not seeing the sun – seems to be a very weird phenomenon which only occurs once every couple of years. I’m a sun person, I need it to boost up my mood, although looking up the window now I could easily assume winter is back with 3C, clouds and a few snowflakes.
I love baking my way through this time of the year. It’s still cold enough to turn on the oven, but warm enough to open the door to our tiny balcony and enjoy the fresh spring air. Therefore, the day I made these cookies I also made a cake which I will be posting the next few days as well. These cookies were impressive to be honest – the fudgy chocolate cookies and the silky peanut butter frosting are a match made in heaven, especially if you like peanut butter as much as I do. These were the perfect treat during my photography hours later that day – when you’re in your tiny homemade studio, taking pictures for about 2 hours, you could literally use a tiny, sweet treat.
Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies are the dream of every chocoholic who loves peanut butter as well. The brownie cookies are chewy, moist, fudgy and they would be great by themselves, but the silky, delicate peanut butter frosting brings them up a notch and elevates their taste to something you can barely stop eating, that good they are!
{Peanut Butter Sandwich Cookies}
Brownie Cookies:
- 200 g dark chocolate (chopped)
- 40 g butter
- 2 eggs
- 150 g white sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 45 g all-purpose flour
- 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
- 50 g dark chocolate (chopped)
- 50 g salted peanuts (chopped)
Peanut Butter Frosting:
- 80 g powdered sugar
- 140 g smooth peanut butter
- 40 g butter (softened)
- 40 ml heavy cream
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
Brownie Cookies:
- Mix the chocolate and butter in a heatproof bowl and melt them together over a hot water bath. Remove from heat and let the mixture cool down.
- Mix the eggs with sugar in a bowl and whip until triple in volume.
- Stir in the vanilla extract then add the melted chocolate.
- Fold in the flour, sifted with baking powder.
- Add the chocolate and peanuts then place the batter in the fridge for 1 hour.
- Spoon dollops of batter on a baking tray lined with parchment paper.
- Bake the cookies in the preheated oven at 350F for 10-15 minutes, but not more. They’re not supposed to dry out – in fact, they will be incredibly soft when you remove them from the oven.
- Let the cookies cool in the pan.
Peanut Butter Frosting:
- Combine the peanut butter, powdered sugar, softened butter and vanilla in a bowl.
- Mix until fluffy, about 5 minutes, then stir in the cream and mix a few more minutes.
- Fill the cookies, two by two, with a dollop of peanut butter frosting.
Ne place untul de arahide, ce sa mai! Insa nu ne place pe paine, ci in fursecuri sau prajituri, ciudatenii de papile gustative, ce sa zic! Asa ca orice borcan pe care il cumpar se transforma in vreun fursec crocant, vreo prajitura dichisita sau in aceste fursecuri umplute cu o crema de unt de arahide di-vi-na! Fursecurile sunt moi, dense, ca o negresa veritabila, iar crema e aerata si aromata. Mi se pare combinatia ideala de fursec sandwich sa fiu sincera! Si as vedea aceasta crema si in alte prajituri! Se face mult prea simplu si este mult prea buna pentru a nu o folosi!
Fursecuri umplute cu unt de arahide
Fursecuri cu ciocolata:
- 200 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
- 40 g unt
- 2 oua
- 150 g zahar alb granulat
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 45 g faina alba 000
- 2 g praf de copt
- 50 g ciocolata neagra (tocata)
- 50 g alune sarate (tocate (miez de nuca, migdale, fistic))
Crema de unt de arahide:
- 80 g zahar pudra (cernut)
- 140 g unt de arahide (cremos)
- 40 g unt (moale)
- 40 g smantana pentru frisca
- 5 g extract de vanilie
Fursecuri de ciocolata:
- Amestecati ciocolata si untul intr-un bol si topiti-le pe baie de aburi. Luati de pe foc si lasati compozitia sa se raceasca.
- Mixati ouale cu zaharul intr-un bol pana isi tripleaza volumul.
- Adaugati vanilia si amestecul de ciocolata cu unt.
- Incorporati faina cernuta cu praful de copt, apoi adaugati ciocolata tocata si alunele.
- Dati aluatul la frigider pentru 1 ora apoi puneti cu o lingura aluat intr-o tava de copt tapetata cu hartie de copt.
- Coaceti fursecurile la 180C pentru 10-12 minute, nu mai mult. Fursecurile vor fi fragile imediat dupa ce le scoateti din cuptor, asa ca lasati-le sa se raceasca in tava.
Crema de unt de arahide:
- Combinati untul de arahide, zaharul pudra, untul si vanilia intr-un bol si mixati cateva minute.
- Adaugati smantana pentru frisca si mai mixati pana obtineti o crema aerata, pufoasa.
- Umpleti fursecurile doua cate doua cu aceasta crema.
Your photos are absolutely beautiful and I can not agree more with this being the perfect time of year!
Thank you so much, Christina!
I agree, these photos are gorgeous! But also- I want these cookies!! I love chocolate and peanut butter together so I’m sure I’d absolutely love these. Yum!!
Oh my! These look divine! As a peanut butter and chocolate addict, I feel torture just looking at the pictures.
Tocmai ce le-am terminat si sunt fabuloase, la fel ca tot ce am facut de pe blogul tau 🙂 E o placere sa gatesc dupa retetele tale!