
Popovers – Yorkshire Puddings

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Yorkshire pudding are fascinating, don’t you agree?! Look at those puffed up little things! Their color, their shape, their simplicity, everything is appealing. And after reading the recipe I was even more fascinated and somehow intrigued. How can a simple, basic batter like this one can rise so much was my first question! The batter is almost the same I use for making crepes so no wonder I was so intrigued. But the key to perfect puddings is the hot fat and a hot oven. They need to rise quickly on high heat and not bake slowly. The fat used can be anything from vegetable oil to butter or meat drippings, especially during the holidays when you have plenty of that, right?! Also, don’t peek during the first 10 minutes of baking as the temperature difference might deflate them.


The name of the article does say Yorkshire puddings – Popovers, but there is a slight difference between the two of them. Yorkshire puddings are savory and they are usually made with fat drippings either from beef or pork. They are sometimes made in a skillet or bigger pan. Popovers are made from the same batter as Yorkshires, but they can be either savory or sweet, depending on the filling. They are made in a small sizes every time, either in a muffin pan or a popover pan which is basically a muffin pan with straight walls. Popovers are amazing filled with jam, cream, butter or whatever sweet or savory filling you might think of. And I totally see them served with butter and jam and a cup of tea or milk, but also replacing bread in a sandwich or filled with a chicken liver pate maybe. Bottom line is that they are incredibly versatile and so easy to make!


{Popovers} – Yorkshire Puddings

Rezultat –12


  • 3 eggs
  • 100 g all-purpose flour
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 150 ml whole milk
  • Vegetable oil for cooking


  • Preheat your oven to 400F (200C).
  • Mix the eggs, flour and salt in a bowl.
  • Gradually stir in the milk and mix until smooth. Pour the batter through a fine sieve to make sure it’s as smooth as possible. Transfer the batter into a large cup for better pouring later on.
  • Take your muffin pan (12 cups) and pour 1 teapsoon of vegetable oil in each muffin cup, making sure the oil coats the bottom of each cup well.
  • Place the pan in the oven for 5-7 minutes just until the oil is hot and starts to slightly smoke.
  • Remove the pan from the oven and quickly pour the batter into each muffin cup, filling it half way through.
  • Place the pan back in the oven and bake for 15-20 minutes until puffed up and golden brown.
  • Let them cool slightly in the pan before removing.


They will deflate slightly when you remove them from the oven, but that doesn’t influence their texture much. The pictures in this post were taken after deflating so they hold their shape well!
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!



Popovers si Yorkshire puddings sunt cam acelasi lucru in materie de ingrediente. Singura diferenta dintre ele este faptul ca budincile Yorkshire sunt mereu sarate, adesea servite cu sos sau chiar coapte in grasimea scursa de la carnea de porc sau vita. In plus, Yorkshires se coc atat in forme mici cat si in tavi mai mari. Popovers pot fi atat sarate cat si dulci si sunt umplute fie cu gem, cu unt, diverse creme sau servite cu sunca, slaninuta, oua, ce vreti voi! De asemenea, ele sunt coapte in forme mici, fie in tava de muffins, fie intr-o tava speciala care seamana cu cea de muffins cu diferenta ca peretii sunt drepti, nu usor inclinati, pentru a forta popoversii sa creasca cat mai mult in sus.

Indiferent de origini, forma sau umplutura, popover sunt incredibil de usor de facut si parca e greu de crezut ca dintr-un aluat de clatite iese ceva atat de bine crescut si pufos. Mi-au placut tare mult si in mod cert le voi repeta!


  • 3 oua
  • 100g faina
  • 1 praf de sare
  • 150ml lapte
  • Ulei pentru copt

Mod de preparare:

  1. Preincalziti cuptorul la 200C.
  2. Amestecati ouale cu faina si sarea intr-un bol apoi adauagti treptat laptele.
  3. Amestecati pana obtineti un aluat omogen.
  4. Treceti aluatul printr-o sita pentru a inlatura cocoloasele.
  5. Turnati 1 lingurita de ulei in fiecare forma de muffin (eu am folosit o tava de muffins cu 12 cupe si aluatul mi-a ajuns numai bine). Uleiul trebuie sa acopere in strat subtire fundul fiecarei cupe de muffins.
  6. Dati tava la cuptor pentru 5-10 minute pana uleiul incepe sa fumege usor. (asa va dati seama ca e foarte fierbinte, deci stati cu ochii pe ulei)
  7. Scoateti tava din cuptor si cu grija, turnati aluatul in formele de muffins, umplandu-le pe jumatate.
  8. Dati popoverii la cuptor pentru 15-20 minute pana bine crescute si aurii.
  9. Pentru a minimiza sansa de esec, asigurati-va ca uleiul e fierbinte, cuptorul e bine preincalzit si nu deschideti usa cuptorului in primele 10 minute de coacere!
  10. Dupa coacere, au tendinta sa se dezumfle putin, insa asta nu le influenteaza aspectul sau textura prea mult. Fotografiile au fost luate cand deja erau racite si dupa cum se vede inca si-au pastrat forma foarte bine.

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