Extract de vanilie
![homemade vanilla extract homemade vanilla extract](http://pastry-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/vanilla-extract-2-1024x734.jpg)
Desi la inceput foloseam esenta de vanilie din comert, m-am obisnuit sa-mi fac propriile arome si extracte, iar cel de vanilie e unul din preferate. Diferenta intre cel facut acasa si esentele cumparate e de la cer la pamant si mi-a luat ceva timp sa ma obisnuiesc cu aroma de vanilie adevarata, insa acum nu concep o reteta fara aroma aceea subtila de vanilie si putin alcool.
Extractul se face foarte simplu folosind cateva pastai de vanilie de buna calitate si alcool pur sau vodka, desi puteti folosi si rom sau brandy cu mentiunea ca folosind un alcool aromat, extractul final va avea un gust diferit.
Extract de vanilie
- Recipient din sticla
- 5 pastai de vanilie
- 250ml vodka sau alt alcool fara aroma pronuntata
- Taiati pastaile de vanilie in jumatate pe lungime.
- Asezati pastaile in recipientul de sticla si acoperiti cu alcool.
- Lasati la macerat minim 3 luni inainte de prima folosire.
- Pe masura ce folositi din extract, completati cu pastai de vanilie si alcool.
Pe acelasi principiu puteti face si alte extracte, precum portocala, lamaie sau levantica.
I am a huge fan of vanilla extract and although when I started baking I used some supermarket, common vanilla extract, I now make my own at home and nothing comes close to it in terms of flavor. When making vanilla extract at home, bear in mind that different vanilla bean varities will yield different results and the better the bean, the better the extract.
![homemade vanilla extract homemade vanilla extract](http://pastry-workshop.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/vanilla-extract-557x1024.jpg)
Bourbon or Madagascar are the most common and easy to find vanilla beans, but you will also find Tahitian beans which are more floral and Mexican beans which tend to be spicier. You can use just one type in your extract or combine them for a truly special and unique vanilla extract.
As for the alcohol used, vodka or pure alcohol should be your first choice because they have no definite taste and won’t influence the taste or the final extract at all. However, brandy or rum can be used to create unique, flavorful extract if you prefer.
It’s not even an actual recipe as it’s so easy to make. You will need a small bottle, but high enough to fit your vanilla beans, enough alcohol to fill the bottle and at east 5 vanilla beans. Split the vanilla beans in half lengthwise and place them in the bottle. Pour in the alcohol and cover the bottle with its lid. Let it infuse at least 3 months for a proper, intense flavor, but the extract will last you for months once fully infused.
Homemade Vanilla Extract
- 5-10 vanilla beans (split lengtwise)
- 10 oz. alcohol (or as needed)
- 1 glass bottle
- Place the beans and alcohol in a glass bottle.
- Seal the bottle and let the extract infuse for a minimum of 3 months before use.
Once I have a bottle of extract I like to keep adding beans into it and fill it with alcohol from time to time. This way I know that I have my own, homemade extract whenever I need it. Even used vanilla beans (seedless) can be used – they still preserve some flavor, even after removing the seeds so don’t throw them away!
What I love about this process is that it can be applied to other extracts as well. Orange, lemon and lavender are just a few that I’ve tried with great success in the past. So find a spice you like and keep in mind that you can encapsulate its flavor into a bottle of alcohol! Get creative and have fun with it!
ce fel de alcool sau vodka recomandati pentru extractul de vanilie? Gasim in comert?
De multa vreme vreau sa fac, dar nu ma pricep la bauturi si nu stiu ce sa cumpar pentru a avea baza pentru pastaile de vanilie.
Simona, momentan eu am un extract facut cu vodka si cred ca are cam 40% alcool, dar merge si o vodka mai puternica. In trecut am avut si extract cu tuica de casa si a fost ok si asa.
Bună, am fost surprinsă cand am văzut reteta aceasta la tine. Si eu am încercat sa fac „extract” de vanilie in casă, natural, însă nu sunt deloc multumita. Am folosit initial alcool pentru visinata, care este mult prea puternic, apoi nu m-am lasat si am facut si cu vodka. Ideea e ca nu se preteaza la orice, de exemplu in gris cu lapte strica gustul total si am impresia ca nici la o crema de vanilie nu ar merge. Tu in ce preparate ai folosit cu succes?
Clar nu merge in orice crema, dar in cea de patiserie eu l-am folosit cu succes. Sau in mousse-uri, in cheesecake. Cu vodka e facut si al meu, dar e maturat deja de ani buni si are o aroma de inegalat!
Bună. AS vrea sa stiu dacă ai făcut extract sau esență de cocos? Extractul de portocala și lamaie tot cu alcool și coaja de portocala,lămâie? Ms
Cu nuca de cocos nu am facut, nu stiu ce sa zic.
De citrice, da, tot cu alcool si coaja de portocala/lamaie.