Chec guguluf cu levantica si portocala
Bundt sau guguluf, nu stiu prea bine cum sa le spun in romana acestor checuri – guguluf poate desemna si un desert asemanator cozonacului, asadar e greu sa-i gasesti un nume. Ii voi zice guguluf doar pentru ca suna romaneste si multi dintre voi il stiti asa. Oricum il cheama insa, acest tip de chec e impresionant prin forma in care e copt – il face cu totul special si nu mai are nevoie de prea multe pentru a fi prezentabil. O glazura simpla sau ciocolata topita si gata, aveti un desert nemaipomenit!
Reteta de azi, chec bundt cu portocala si levantica, aduce in prim plan un ingredient putin neobisnuit pentru papilele gustative ale multora – levantica. Planta asta aromata e genul de ingredient care trebuie folosit in cantitati mici ori riscati sa obtineti un chec cu gust de sapun si nu un desert comestibil. Gustul intens al levanticii poate foarte usora acoperi orice alta aroma asa ca nu exagerati cand o adaugati in deserturi. De data asta eu am combinat-o cu portocala si am pus din ambele cate putin, doar cat se am din fiecare o aroma delicata. Am decorat checul cu o glazura acrisoara de portocala rosie, insa merge orice fel de portocala ori chiar lamaie.
Chec guguluf cu portocala si leventica
- 420 g faina
- 8 g praf de copt
- 3 g sare
- 300 g zahar alb granulat
- 230 g unt (temperatura camerei)
- 3 oua
- 2 galbenusuri
- Coaja de la o portocala mica
- 1 lingurita flori de levantica
- 5 g extract de vanilie
- 315 g lapte batut
- 1 lingura suc de portocale
- 1 lingura unt topit
- 100 g zahar pudra (cernut)
- Flori de levantica pentru decor
- Preincalziti cuptorul la 180°C si ungeti o tava de chec Bundt/guguluf cu unt. Dati deoparte.
- Cerneti faina cu praful de copt si sarea.
- Amestecati laptele batut cu coaja de portocala, levantica si vanilia.
- Mixati untul cu zaharul pana obtineti o compozitie pufoasa, bine batuta.
- Adaugati ouale si galbenusurile, unul cate unul, mixand bine dupa fiecare.
- Incorporati faina si laptele batut, alternandu-le. Incepeti cu ingredientele uscate si terminati tot cu cele uscate.
- Transferati aluatul in tava unsa cu unt si coaceti pentru 40-45 minute sau pana trece testul scobitorii.
- Transferati checul pe un platou si lasati sa se raceasca.
- Amestecati sucul de portocale, untul si zaharul intr-un bol. Daca glazura e prea subtire, mai adaugati scu de portocale, daca e prea groasa mai adaugati zahar pudra.
- Aceoperiti checul cu glazura si decorati cu flori de levantica.
I find Bundt cakes to be quite fascinating and incredibly versatile. Not only they are easy to make, but easy to decorate as well. A quick sugar glaze or some melted chocolate it’s all you need to make a Bundt cake shine. Moreover, they come in so many flavors and possible combinations that having a beautiful Bundt cake pan is a must in every baker’s kitchen. These Bundt cake pans come in many designs, some more intricate than others.
Today’s orange lavender Bundt cake is fragrant, moist, fluffy and just gorgeous with the tangy orange glaze. I used bloog orange juice for the glaze, but any orange will do – you mainly need the tartness of the orange juice and rely on lavender for flavor. Although there is some orange zest in the batter, the aroma is delicate so it’s the intense lavender that stands out. Speaking of lavender, there is one rule when baking with it – a little goes a long way – the last thing you want is to add too much and end up with a soap tasting cake rather than a nice, beautiful flavor. So keep that in mind – only add small amounts of lavender to desserts as it can be overpowering in larger quantities, especially for taste buds that aren’t used to its aroma.
Orange Lavender Bundt Cake
Bundt Cake:
- 420 g all-purpose flour
- 8 g baking powder
- 3 g salt
- 300 g white granulated sugar
- 230 g butter (softened)
- 3 eggs
- 2 egg yolks
- Zest from 1 small orange
- 1 teaspoon lavender buds
- 5 g vanilla extract
- 315 g buttermilk
Orange Glaze:
- 1 tablespoon orange juice
- 1 tablespoon melted butter
- 100 g icing sugar
- Lavender buds to decorate
Bundt Cake:
- Preheat your oven to 180C and grease your Bundt cake pan with butter. Place it aside.
- Sift the flour with salt and baking powder.
- Mix the buttermilk with orange zest, lavender and vanilla.
- Mix the sugar and butter in a bowl until light and fluffy, at least 5 minutes.
- Add the eggs and egg yolks, one by one, mixing well after each new addition.
- Fold in the sifted flour and buttermilk mixture, alternating them. Always start with the dry ingredients and end with dry ingredients.
- Spoon the batter in your prepared pan and bake for 40-45 minutes or until golden brown and it passes the toothpick test.
- Allow the cake to cool in the pan slightly then transfer on a platter and let it cool completely.
Orange Glaze:
- Mix the orange juice, butter and sugar in a bowl.
- Drizzle the glaze over the cake and sprinkle with a few lavender buds.
HI Olguta, I’m so in love with what you’re creating. Are you Romanian? I can see your recipes are written in Romanian but I just wanted to check. Because I’m part Romanian and it’s exciting for me to see that.
I will be attempting to recreate some of your recipes, and so pleased i came across your site.
by Olguta.
Daca glazura e prea subtire, mai adaugati scu de portocale, daca e prea groasa mai adaugati zahar pudra. Cred ca le-ai scris pe invers :))))