Fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata si muscovado

Mergi direct la reteta Fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata neagra

Nu ofer complimente gratuite, si cu atat mai mult retetelor de pe acest blog. Dimpotriva, as zice ca sunt mai degraba critica cu tot ce fac. Ca noi toti de altfel, nu-i asa?! Dar aceste fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata neagra sunt minunate, absolut superbe ca gust si textura. Si se fac incredibil de usor, pur si simplu nu iti vine sa crezi ca in trei timpi si trei miscari ai gata o tava de fursecuri de bagat la cuptor!

Fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata neagra

Cat de usoara este aceasta reteta de fursecuri cu picaturi de ciocolata neagra, dar cat de bun e rezultatul final! Fursecurile sunt umede si moi, absolut perfecte!
Rezultat –20 fursecuri


  • 150 g unt (topit si racit)
  • 75 g zahar alb granulat
  • 75 g zahar muscovado
  • 5 g extract vanilie
  • 1 ou
  • 3 g sare
  • 200 g faina alba 000
  • 25 g amidon
  • 2 g bicarbonat de sodiu
  • 180 g picaturi de ciocolata neagra


  • Combinati untul, zaharurile si vanilia.
  • Adaugati oul si omogenizati.
  • Incorporati ingredientele uscate cu o spatula.
  • Adaugati la final picaturile de ciocolata neagra.
  • Acoperiti bolul si dati la frigider 30 minute.
  • Formati bile de 40g fiecare si dati-le forma unui disc.
  • Presarati fulgi de sare deasupra – optional.
  • Coaceti la 190C pentru 10-12 minute. Nu coaceti mai mult decat necesar intrucat se usuca excesiv!
Keyword Ciocolata neagra, Unt
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!


I don’t give this kind of titles easily, but this recipe does yield the best chocolate chip cookies I have ever tasted. It’s in fact a mix of a great texture (moist, soft) and an amazing taste contrast between the sweet crumbs and the fleur de sel flakes sprinkled on top of each cookie. What you are left with in the end is a cookie that tastes like no other . Well, who am I kidding… just a cookie is not enough! Every time I made them I had at least 2 or 3 right away even if they were still warm. I just love the melted, oozing chocolate chips whilst the cookies are hot – I am a simple girl with simple joys as one of my friend would put it.

best chocolate chip cookies

The recipe is so simple that you won’t believe it! A short ingredient list and a very quick cooking time. Basically these cookies can be done in under one hour. But each ingredient is important and if there is something I would say to not replace at all is the muscovado sugar which gives these chocolate chip cookies a deep taste and keeps the dough moist even after baking.

Sure, this is not the only chocolate chip cookie recipe on this blog, including gluten -free chocolate chip cookies, but hey, no one ever said no to a cookie like this, especially when it comes with a fleur de sel topping. I have the feeling these cookies can set someone’s world on the right path again. I know they shook my world anway. I just don’t look at cookies the same anymore. All of a sudden I have a whole new world of possibilities in front of me and I cannot wait to dive more into it!

best chocolate chip cookies

Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

Olguta – Pastry Workshop
The best chocolate chip cookies you will ever taste!
Rezultat –20 pieces


  • 150 g butter (melted and chilled)
  • 75 g white sugar
  • 75 g muscovado sugar
  • 5 g vanilla extract
  • 1 egg
  • 3 g salt
  • 200 g all-purpose flour
  • 25 g cornstarch
  • 2 g baking soda
  • 180 g chocolate chips


  • Combine the butter, sugars and vanilla in a bowl.
  • Add the egg and mix well.
  • Sift in the dry ingredients and incorporate them with a spatula.
  • Add the chocolate chips and mix well.
  • Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place in the fridge for 30 minutes.
  • Take pieces of 40g each and shape them into small discs.
  • Sprinkle each cookie with fleur de sel.
  • Bake in the preheated oven at 190C for 10-12 minutes. Do not overbake them as they will dry out.
  • Enjoy!
Ai incercat reteta?Mentioneaza @olguta_oana sau tag #pastryworkshop!
best chocolate chip cookies
best chocolate chip cookies

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