Verine cu cirese si ciocolata
Acum ceva timp am vazut pe un site dedicat ustensilelor de cofetarie aceste pahare de desert sub forma de ghiveci si mi s-au parut incredibil de dragute. M-am gandit atunci cat de interesant ar fi sa le umplu cu ceva dulce in care sa plantam menta sau flori comestibile ori flori din vafa pentru a crea impresia unui ghiveci adevarat. Zis si facut! Ciocolata mi s-a parut o alegere excelenta, asa incat am umplut paharele cu o marmelada de cirese/visine, un mousse de ciocolata neagra si un sol de ciocolata neagra. Simplu si la obiect! De altfel, credeti-ma, cele mai bune produse de cofetarie sunt de fapt si printre cele mai simple! Caci acolo simti gustul pur, nealterat al ingredientelor de calitate! Asa au aparut aceste verine cu ciocolata si cirese super dragute, potrivite intr-un candy bar de exemplu.
Menta din reteta este absolut optionala, dar merge foarte bine alaturi de cirese. Aveti insa grija sa o adaugati la final, cand amestecul este racorit, astfel incat sa ii pastrati aroma intacta. Puteti insa sa folositi si alte fructe daca doriti. Caise, piersici, capsune, zmeura sunt toate alegeri foarte bune, adaptand reteta dupa sezon!

Verine cu cirese si ciocolata
Marmelada de cirese
- 200 g piure de cirese/visine
- 120 g cirese/visine (intregi sau jumatati)
- 50 g zahar alb
- 5 g pectina NH
- 1 g acid citric
- 2 g menta (tocata fin (merge perfect daca folositi cirese negre))
Mousse de ciocolata neagra (fara gelatina):
- 120 g lapte
- 70 g zahar alb
- 55 g galbenus
- 250 g ciocolata neagra 70-75% (topita)
- 300 g smantana pentru frisca (spumata)
Sol/pamant de ciocolata neagra:
- 200 g ciocolata neagra 60-70%
- 200 g zahar alb
- 75 ml apa rece
Marmelada de cirese/visine:
- Amestecati zaharul cu pectina.
- Incalziti piureul de cirese/visine si fructele la 40C.
- Adaugati zaharul si pectina si dati in clocot. Fierbeti 1 minut.
- Dati deoparte si adaugati acidul citric.
- Turnati in pahare.
- Congelati.
Mousse de ciocolata neagra (fara gelatina):
- Incalziti laptele intr-un vas.
- Amestecati zaharul si galbenusul. Turnati in fir subtire laptele apoi intoarceti pe foc si gatiti pana atinge 82C.
- Luati de pe foc si turnati peste ciocolata. Lasati 2 minute apoi omogenizati.
- Lasati sa vina la 25-30C.
- Incorporati smantana spumata.
- Turnati in pahare peste marmelada.
- Dati la frigider/congelator.
Sol/pamant de ciocolata neagra:
- Combinati zaharul si apa intr-un vas si fierbeti, spaland peretii vasului, pana siropul incepe usor sa se caramelizeze pe margini.
- Adaugati ciocolata, toata o data, si amestecati viguros, tinand pe foc, pana obtineti un amestec cu aspect de pamant.
- Lasati la racit apoi puneti deasupra fiecarui pahar de desert.
- Asezati in centru o crenguta de menta, flori comestibile sau flori din vafa.
A while back I saw these cute little plant pot looking dessert glasses and this idea sparked my mind – what if I play around this idea and come up with something delicious to fill them with, followed by actually planting something in the edible soil?! It sounded fun so I ended up actually making these cherry chocolate verrines during some of my classes. It’s something very simple and yet very effective at impressing people as they ask themselves if it’s actually soil or is it edible?!

The composition, as you will see, it is so so simple! A cherry compote followed by a dark chocolate mousse, a dark chocolate soil and finally mint or edible flowers or better yet, wafer paper flowers. The first layer of the verrine is a cherry marmalade, but feel free to use a different fruit, such as apricots, strawberries, raspberries, peaches or a mix of other fruits of your choice. Chocolate is a forgiving ingredient, very easy to pair with other flavors.

{Cherry Chocolate Verrines}
Cherry marmalade:
- 200 g cherry/ sour cherry puree
- 120 g cherries/ sour cherries (cut in half)
- 50 g white sugar
- 5 g pectin NH
- 1 g citric acid
- 2 g mint (finely chopped (optional))
Dark chocolate mousse (no gelatin):
- 120 g milk
- 70 g white sugar
- 55 g egg yolk
- 250 g dark chocolate70-75% (melted)
- 300 g heavy cream (whipped)
Chocolate soil:
- 200 g dark chocolate 60-70%
- 200 g white sugar
- 75 ml water
Cherry marmalade:
- Mix the sugar and pectin.
- Heat up the cherry puree and fruits to 40C.
- Add the sugar and pectin and cook for 1 minute.
- Remove from heat and add the citric acid. Add the mint if you want to use any. It is totally optional.
- Pour in the verrine glasses and freeze.
Dark chocolate mousse:
- Heat up the milk in a pot.
- Mix sugar and egg yolk. Pour the milk over the egg yolk and return the pot back on low heat. Cook to 82C.
- Remove from heat and strain over the chocolate. Mix well with a blender.
- Allow the mixture come to 25-30C.
- Fold in the whipped cream.
- Pour into moulds over the marmalade and freeze.
Chocolate soil:
- Combine the sugar and water in a pot and boil until the sugar syrup begins to very slightly turn golden brown.
- Remove from heat and add the chocolate. Mix well. The sugar syrup will make the chocolate seize up and slightly burn into bits of chocolate that look just like soil.
- Cool down then spoon the soil over each verrine.
- Plant mint or edible flowers in each pot/verrine.

What is pectin NH ?! Thank you 😊
Pectin NH is a thickener primarily used for preparing glazes or jellies for cakes, tarts or other dessert applications.